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How to Create a Winning Business Plan for Your Gym | The Guide

How to create a business plan for a gym? It may seem like a simple answer but it isn’t. A business plan is vital to allowing you to open your own gym without running into unpleasant setbacks.

If you are interested in understanding how to do this, please read our professional guide.


If you are going to start a gym, you must first make a complete and thorough business plan. There are no shortcuts.

Read on and find out what to include in a successful business plan, to make your gym work properly and truly generate a profit that will allow you to evaluate the costs and benefits of your new adventure.

The golden rule

Whether you are an experienced professional or a newcomer, make sure you make a complete business plan before making any moves.

In this guide, we’ll explain what each section of your business plan should include and how it will help you turn your gym from idea to project on the go.

What is a business plan and why is it important?

A business plan is a policy document that outlines your business goals, strategies, and how you plan to achieve them.

Business plans are an essential tool for any entrepreneur.

In addition, a well-written business plan can help attract potential investors or ensure that you receive a loan, clearly demonstrating how you intend to structure your business.

How to create an in-depth business plan for your gym?

Creating a business plan that is thorough and gives your potential investors a comprehensive overview of how you intend to take your new business venture off the ground is critical to securing funding and initiating the cash flow to open your own gym.

As with all things, there is more than one way to deal with drawing up business plans.

However, make sure that your gym business plan model includes these specifications:

  1. Corporate presentation
  2. Services offered
  3. Market analysis
  4. Marketing plan and sales forecast
  5. Competitive analysis
  6. Premises and location of the gym
  7. Financial plan

Read on and learn more about each component of a business plan so you can start creating your own business model.

Start with an effective company presentation

A business presentation is basically, a brief and concise description of your project should include information about your business, what you do, your target market, your unique sales proposal (USP) and anything else that would be relevant to someone considering doing business with you.

A business presentation is sometimes also referred to as an executive summary, particularly in the case of startups seeking funding from investors.

In these cases, the business presentation serves as an introduction to the rest of the business plan and can be a decisive factor in whether or not an investor decides to provide financing.

For a new business, having a well-crafted business presentation is critical to attracting the right kind of attention.

Here are some tips on how to create an effective business presentation:

  • Focus on the project highlights.
  • Focus on the key points that will give readers a good overview of your business.
  • Be specific.
  • Include concrete data as well.
  • Provide information about the services of your gym

In this last section of your business plan, you must describe the services you offer in your gym.

Specify what additional services you will offer

Sauna? Massages? Physiotherapist?

Include all possible initiatives that could bring you more customers and generate more revenue.

Some additional services to consider offering to your customers include:

  1. Beverage machine
  2. Sale of branded t-shirts
  3. Gym bags and accessories for sale
  4. Supplements
  5. Personal trainer
  6. Private lessons for small groups


Organizing events and competitions is a great way to motivate your customers and is also a way to advertise your gym.

Do a thorough market analysis

When it comes to starting a gym, the most important step is to conduct a thorough market analysis. This involves evaluating potential competitors, evaluating consumption patterns in your area, and exploring emerging trends in the industry.

To begin with, you should know how many gyms (and what kind) exist within your radius.

  1. What kind of lessons do they offer?
  2. How high are their classes?
  3. What kind of price structure do they use?

By analyzing these factors, you can gain valuable insight into what area customers are looking for.

Ultimately, doing a thorough market analysis is the best way to ensure your gym is successful.

Attract customers with a marketing plan

After collecting all your market research and identifying the competition from your market analysis, you can create a marketing plan that outlines how to promote your gym and attract new members.

It is important to have a marketing plan and sales forecast to help you determine how best to reach your target audience and what kind of equipment and services you need to provide to meet their needs.

Some of the questions you need to consider when putting together a marketing plan include:

  1. Who is your target audience?
  2. What makes you different from other gyms?

You will also need to develop a sales forecast that projects the expected revenue and expenses. By taking the time to create a comprehensive marketing plan and sales forecast, you will increase your chances of success in this industry.

Analyzes the competition

The best way to get information about your competitors is to conduct a competitive analysis.

This involves researching their activities, observing their practices, and dialogue with their clients. With this information in hand, you will be able to develop a clear understanding of what makes your competitors successful (and what not).

There are some key issues to consider when conducting a competitive analysis:

  1. What is the overall tone and atmosphere of the competitor’s gym?
  2. What kind of lessons and programs does the competitor offer?
  3. Are they different from what you are going to offer? If so, how?
  4. What is the quality of competitive equipment and facilities?
  5. How does the price of competing subscriptions affect my choices?
  6. Are they cheaper or more expensive? Why?

Competition analysis is not necessarily about trying to find ways of undermining competition or robbing it of its customers. In many ways, it’s more about making sure you don’t step on each other’s toes.

Search for the best location for your gym

The ideal location depends on several factors, including the size and layout of the premises, the surrounding community and the availability of parking and public transport.

The size of the premises is an important consideration, since you need enough space to accommodate all the necessary equipment and also have space for customers who want to train comfortably.

The surrounding community ( the city where you decided to open your gym) is another important factor to consider, as you should prefer to be located in an area with a high concentration of potential customers.

You should also consider the demographic data of the city where you are deciding to open your gym, (how many young? how many old?) to understand what kind of service you have decided to offer.

Finally, you should consider the availability of parking and public transport.

If your gym is not close to public transport, it is important to have ample parking for your customers.

Present a clear financial plan

Your business plan should include a detailed financial plan outlining the expected startup costs and how you propose to finance and manage your gym.

How much money do you need to start

Remember to enter the cost of renting or buying a property, equipment and any renovation or construction that needs to be performed.

How you will generate revenue

Will you charge monthly membership fees, daily rates or both?

Invest in the right management software

From tracking subscriptions and payments to lesson planning and finance management, there is a lot to keep under control and a 90s-style spreadsheet I don’t think you will be enough 🙂

A management software can help gym owners overcome many of the challenges of running a sports center.

By investing in the right software solutions, you can simplify business management so you can focus on other areas of your business.

A good management software will give you a range of very useful features, from online enrollment management to lesson planning, payment processing and in-depth reports that will help you make facts-based decisions and clear data.

With everything in one place, you’ll be able to save time and eliminate complexity from your daily administration.

Purchase of gym equipment

An important part of your financial plan is to prove that you have considered the cost of the equipment. Your business plan must include proof that you have clear exactly how much it will cost to purchase all the equipment you need for the gym.

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Budget for unforeseen costs and expenses

Finally, don’t forget to add a budget for any unforeseen expenses, such as repairs or replacement of worn equipment. Taking all these factors into account, you can create a complete business plan that will help you get your gym off the ground.

Once you have a good idea of the startup costs involved, you can start looking into potential sources of income. Membership fees are typically the biggest source of income for your gym.

You might also consider hosting competitions and events or offering personal training services.

Summing up

Following a clear and precise structure when putting together a business plan for a gym is crucial, because it will allow you to evaluate all the pros and cons well.

Be sure to do your research, consider all the costs involved and create a detailed financial plan.

With careful planning and execution, you can create a thriving task.

For further tips and professional advice, please contact us via email at:

To know all the resources for gym owners visit our dedicated section where you will find many professional business tips for gym owners.


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