
How to have more customers in the gym | The professional guide

How can I have more customers in the gym? The number one rule that nobody has ever revealed to you is : Know the market you are part of, then act in the best possible way.

That’s why we decided to make this super guide with all the fitness trends of 2023 and with our expert advice to improve the level of your business.

Let’s start from the current situation.

Trends in fitness are constantly changing. Some new trends due to the times we are passing are opposed to the timeless classics, such as go to the gym. Still the strongest of them all.

Let’s discover together the new trends for fitness 2023 and understand how to make sure to intercept new customers.

Trend fitness 2023

    1. Home training: With the pandemic and restrictions, many people started exercising at home instead of going to the gym. This trend is expected to continue in the future. But they still need a personalized training program that you could provide.
    2. Personalized programs: More and more people are expected to be interested in personalized training programs that are tailored to their specific needs and goals. It might be a good option to offer custom tailor-made programs.
    3. Connected fitness: Technology is becoming increasingly important in the fitness experience, with the use of wearable devices and apps for training tracking and health management.
    4. High intensity interval training (HIIT): High intensity training is increasingly popular because it is effective for burning calories and improving fitness. Considering adding such a course in your gym could lead to unexpected results.
    5. Yoga and meditation: Yoga and meditation are increasingly popular for their ability to improve flexibility, strength and mental concentration.
    6. Healthy lifestyles: More and more people are expected to be interested in a healthy lifestyle that includes balanced nutrition and physical activity. Also in this case it might be a good idea to create a course.
    7. Virtual fitness: With the growing popularity of technology and the increased demand for training options accessible anywhere, it is expected that virtual fitness will become increasingly popular in the future.

These just read above, are just some of the trends that might be popular in 2023, but it is important to note that fitness trends are constantly changing and there may be other emerging trends.

How to have more customers in the gym

We think it’s very important to keep those trends in mind and try to create a strategy for your gym that is fresh and diverse from your other competitors.

To help you out, we thought we’d give you some professional advice.

Here are our tips to increase the number of customers in the gym, to do it efficiently, you might consider the following strategies:

Effective marketing

Use different channels to reach potential customers, such as advertising on social media, promoting through events or creating flyers and brochures.

Offer additional services

Consider adding services such as group lessons, personal training or weight loss programs to attract a diverse clientele.

Create a unique experience

Creating a cozy atmosphere and a comfortable training environment can help retain existing customers and attract new customers.


Build relationships with other businesses in your area and find ways to promote each other’s services.

Making good management

Make sure your customers are satisfied with the service they receive and that your staff is professional and helpful.

Competitive rates

Make sure you have competitive prices compared to other gyms in your area.

Offer promotions and special offers

Offering free promotions or trial packages can be a great way to attract new customers.

Which equipment to buy for your gym.

If you are about to open a new gym or renovate your rooms, you might consider buying the following equipment:

Stack systems pulley, leg extension, leg curl

Thanks to our real sales data we can confirm the really impressive demand for pulley systems for training and leg extension and leg curl systems. So we definitely recommend you as the first training element to think about.
A training system such as OUR FAMOUS PULLEY TOWER will allow you to offer a complete and professional training system.

Free weights

It is recommended to have a section dedicated to free weights, including dumbbells, barbells and bumper discs, to allow customers to perform an ever-increasing variety of exercises.

Fitness machines

Fitness machines such as bikes (Eco, Assault, Etc.) treadmills, weight lifting machines and strength training machines are essential for a modern and exciting gym that attracts new customers.

Cardio equipment

Cardio equipment like rowing machines, skyerg, tapisroulant are essential for a modern gym.


Accessories like elastic bands, resistance bands and medicine balls can be used for a variety of exercises by people maybe a little later on in life.

Stretching equipment

Equipment such as yoga mats, foam roller, yoga balls and others, can be used to improve flexibility and general well-being.

Virtual equipment

With the increase in training options accessible everywhere, virtual fitness is expected to become increasingly popular in the future. You might consider purchasing virtual equipment such as streaming group lesson screens, virtual reality devices, and interactive gaming systems.

Lockers and changing rooms

Finally, don’t forget to buy lockers and changing rooms for your customers, because a good gym experience is as important as equipment.

In short

These are just some of the equipment you might consider buying for a modern gym, but the list may vary depending on your specific needs and budget available.

Personalized advice

If you are unsure about what type of equipment to buy, please email us at you will receive free professional advice to build your new gym or renovate it.
Our representative will give you all the information you need to succeed in making your business a successful product.

Contact us now!

Come posso avere piu clienti in palestra | La guida professionale
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Come posso avere piu clienti in palestra | La guida professionale
Guida professionale su come avere più clienti in palestra. Ecco consigli e tips realizzate da professionisti del settore affermati.
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