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In the Gym after the Parties: Cross Training as the winning key

Back in the Gym after the Holidays, let’s find out how to help with this Cross Training guide as a source of inspiration.

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Gym and Cross Training can be done!

The Christmas holidays are always a special time, but they often bring with them a prolonged break from daily routines, including that of training. After days of celebration and culinary binges, going back to the gym can seem like a titanic challenge. In this article, we will explore strategies and approaches to get back into shape after the Christmas holidays, with a focus on cross training as an effective way to re-establish your fitness routine.

The post-Christmas awakening

The Christmas holidays are often synonymous with culinary indulgence and relaxation, and while enjoying these moments is critical, the body may be affected. The first step to returning to the gym is to accept that a few extra pounds may have accumulated, but do not panic: it is normal and temporary.

The Return Programming

To avoid feeling overwhelmed by the return to training, it is crucial to plan carefully. A gradual program is the key to avoiding injury and demotivation. Start with light workouts and gradually increase the intensity over the first few weeks.

Cross Training: A Holistic Approach

Cross Training is a method that involves a variety of physical activities, combining endurance, cardiovascular and flexibility exercises. This holistic approach not only makes workouts more interesting, but also involves different muscle groups, reducing the risk of overload.

Resuming with Cross Training

    1. Cardio Interval: Start with light cardio sessions like running or exercise bike. Progressively introduces high intensity ranges to improve endurance and burn excess calories.
    2. Light Weight Lifting: Weight Lifting not only increases muscle strength but also speeds up metabolism. Start with lighter weights and more repetitions to acclimatize your body.
    3. Yoga and Stretching: Don’t forget the importance of flexibility. Yoga or stretching sessions help improve joint mobility and prevent injuries.
    4. Recreational Activities: Experiment with fun activities like cycling, swimming or paddleboarding. These options keep your workout fresh and stimulating.


Cross Gradual Training: Key Exercises for Returning to the Gym

Cross Training is a versatile approach that allows you to involve different muscle groups and vary the exercises, making the workout stimulating and complete. If you are planning your return to the gym with Cross Training, here is a detailed guide on exercises to incorporate gradually into your sessions.

1. Interval Cardio (Running or Bike):

Start with a light walk or a quiet ride to warm up your body. Next, it incorporates more intense running or pedaling intervals. For example, after 5 minutes of warm-up, run or pedal at maximum effort for 30 seconds, followed by 1-2 minutes of recovery at a slower pace. Repeat this cycle for 20-30 minutes.

2. Light Weight Lifting (Focusing on Different Body Parts):

Start with lighter weights to accustom your muscles. Perform exercises focused on different parts of your body. For example:

      • Arm training: Curl with dumbbells, triceps extensions.
      • Chest training: Flat bench press, crosses on inclined bench.
      • Leg training: Squats, lunges, quadriceps extensions.

Start with 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions for each exercise, focusing on the correct execution of the movement.

3. Yoga and Stretching:

It integrates yoga and stretching exercises to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries. Perform poses such as Warrior Pose, Cobra, and Leg Stretching. Spend at least 15-20 minutes on each session.

4. Recreational activities (Cycling, Swimming):

To make training more fun, enter recreational activities. For example:

      • Cycling: Cycle at a steady pace for 30-45 minutes, alternating flat and hilly terrain.
      • Swimming: Swim for 20-30 minutes, experimenting with different styles like crawl and back.

5. WOD (Workout of the Day):

Once you feel more comfortable, try incorporating a more complex workout. These may include a combination of weight lifting, cardiovascular exercises and gymnastics. For example:

      • WOD: 3 rounds of 15 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, 30 squats. Rest 1 minute between each round.

6. Agility and Coordination:

It introduces exercises that improve agility and coordination such as ladder drill, rope jumping and cone exercises. These improve muscle reactivity and body awareness.

7. Functional Training:

Includes exercises that mimic daily movements. For example, the raising of a sandbag, the use of kettlebell or training with medicine ball. These improve functional strength.

Practical Tips for Gradual Return

      1. Listen to Your Body: If you feel pain or discomfort, slow down. Recovery is a gradual process.
      2. Vary Exercises: Keep variety to prevent adaptation and ensure a complete workout.
      3. Gradual progression: Slowly increase the intensity and weight of the exercises to avoid injuries.

By following this step-by-step cross training plan, you can effectively reactivate your body and enjoy your return to the gym after the Christmas holidays.

The Revised Diet

Returning to the gym is the perfect time to reconsider your food choices. Focus on a balanced diet, rich in lean protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Hydrate properly to support your performance.

Social Support

Sharing the goal of getting back in shape with friends or family can be a great motivator. Organize cross training sessions together, making the experience more fun and social.

The Importance of Rest

Rest is essential for muscle recovery. Be sure to schedule regular rest days and get enough sleep to allow your body to fully recover.

Monitoring Progress

Keep track of your progress to maintain motivation. Recording workouts, performance and physical changes provides a clear perspective of your path of improvement.


Returning to the gym after the holiday season may seem like a challenge, but with careful planning and a versatile approach like cross training, you can turn this phase into an opportunity for growth and renewal. Be patient with yourself, enjoy the journey and experience the many ways that Cross Training has to offer for a return in complete and fulfilling form.

In the Gym After Parties: Cross Training as a Winning Key
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In the Gym After Parties: Cross Training as a Winning Key
Back to the gym to do CrossFit after the Christmas holidays. Let’s find out how to do it together without getting injured safely
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