Center Gibanja Murska Sobota Case Study

From an abandoned clothing factory to a spacious gym

Center Gibanja Murska Sobota is another amazing project that involved a custom build, resulting in a spacious, welcoming gym with a monster of a custom Rig in the center.

From an abandoned clothing factory to a spacious gym

The owners already ran a smaller gym when they decided it was time for a move. They were searching for a bigger place and ended up choosing an old clothing factory that offered enough space but needed some renovations. What came next was 6 months of hard work and dedication to turn the available space into their dream gym.

Custom Rig with enough squat stations for all

They approached us with the goal of creating a spacious, functional gym where there would be enough space for everyone to train at the same time. Their specification for the rig was “We don’t want people to wait for someone to finish their round on the squat station”. We suggested a Custom Mighty Rig with 6 squat stations and more than enough room left for pull-ups and mounting different rig accessories. Thanks to our Gym Builder tool, the client could see the result before it went into production, so we could make sure all their requirements were met.

We are proud to have been a part of this project. The result is a welcoming gym with strong community where every member feels at home.

From an abandoned clothing factory to a spacious gym
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From an abandoned clothing factory to a spacious gym
Center Gibanja Murska Sobota is another amazing project that involved a custom build, resulting in a spacious, welcoming gym with a monster of a custom Rig in the center.
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