
Hyrox | At the Forefront of Sport and Fitness

In the modern age of sport and fitness, where innovation continues to shape the way we train and compete, disciplines like Hyrox emerge that embody the perfect fusion of tradition and innovation. In this preface, we will explore the intrinsic charm of Hyrox, a sports activity that has quickly captured the imagination of fitness enthusiasts around the world.

Hyrox is not simply a race; it is an experience that pushes athletes beyond their physical and mental limits, challenging them to face a series of challenging tests in a compelling competition context. Hyrox’s origins go back to the daring vision of two fitness-loving minds, Christian Toetzke and Felix Kohler, who combined their experiences and creativity to create a unique discipline.
What makes Hyrox so fascinating is its ability to adapt to the needs and preferences of athletes of all levels. With race categories ranging from individual to pair and relay competitions, Hyrox offers an opportunity for everyone to test themselves and prove their worth. This inclusiveness is one of the keys to Hyrox’s success, making the discipline accessible to a wide range of participants, from professionals to casual enthusiasts.

At the heart of Hyrox are athletic tests, a series of varied challenges designed to test the strength, endurance and agility of athletes. From lifting weights to pull-ups on bars, from treadmill running to climbing, each test requires a unique combination of physical and mental abilities. It is this diversity of evidence that makes Hyrox so engaging, offering a complete experience that tests all dimensions of fitness.

Hyrox racing locations add an extra element of charm and adventure to the experience. With events held around the world, from urban city settings to the natural beauty of parks and outdoor areas, Hyrox offers athletes the opportunity to explore new places and live unforgettable experiences.

In this preface, we just scratched the surface of Hyrox’s exciting world. Through its exciting origins, challenging tests, varied race categories, cutting-edge equipment, evocative locations and numerous curiosities, Hyrox presents itself as a cutting-edge discipline that continues to challenge and inspire athletes around the world.
Now, immerse yourself in the overwhelming energy of Hyrox and get ready for an unprecedented sports and fitness experience. Whether you are a professional athlete looking for a new challenge or a fitness enthusiast eager to overcome your limits, Hyrox awaits you with its open doors and its spirit of adventure. Welcome to the world of Hyrox – where challenge meets innovation and boldness triumphs.

Origins and Founders

Hyrox, an innovative sport discipline born from the fusion of running and high intensity functional circuits, has roots in the desire to offer athletes a complete challenge that tests their endurance, strength and agility. Conceived and founded by Christian Toetzke and Felix Kohler, two fitness and sports competitions enthusiasts, Hyrox made its debut in 2018 in Germany, quickly gaining popularity among both fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes.

The Athletic Tests

Athletes participating in a Hyrox race face a series of athletic tests arranged along a predetermined path. Tests include weight lifting exercises, bar pulling, treadmill running, jumping, climbing and other high-intensity functional activities. Each test is designed to test a different physical ability, creating a complete and challenging challenge for athletes.

Categories of Race

Hyrox offers different race categories to suit different abilities and fitness levels of athletes. The main categories include individual male and female competitions, couple competitions and relay races. This variety allows athletes to participate according to their preferences and goals, whether they compete individually or in a team.

Used equipment

The equipment used in a Hyrox race is designed to allow athletes to complete tests safely and effectively. This includes free weights, kettlebells, medicine balls, chin-up bars, skipping ropes, treadmills and other common equipment in gyms and fitness spaces. The organizers ensure that all equipment is of high quality and safe for athletes.

Jump rope

The jump rope or jump rope as you like is a type of functional fitness equipment much more functional than you think:

Jumping rope is an essential tool to improve your fitness skills. Training even 20 minutes a day with a jump rope will greatly improve your cardiovascular ability. Also, the act of controlling the jump and momentum of the rope, will help to improve your coordination.

The skipping rope is a very simple tool useful for multiple purposes of use and relatively cheap to buy, once used correctly it will greatly improve your fitness .

Pull bar

Pull-ups are one of the best exercises to learn and having a pull-up bar at home is a wonderful thing to get started with. Pull-ups help develop muscles quickly and improve body control with emphasis on upper body muscles.

There’s a pull bar for every room. If you want to learn how to do pull-ups, there is a simple and elegant solution for every situation and it is our legendary 3 Second Pull Up Bar.


In any training program, there will come a time when we would need a necessary accessory stimulation, for this reason we should begin to add some weight to our training session.

The addition of weight should never be disproportionate but always well balanced and carefully thought out, as weight slows down the pace of work but at the same time encourages muscle growth and makes training much more exciting.

Dumbbells are a great choice to start training without spending too much, they can be used for strength training, with slow and controlled movements and a limited number of repetitions, or in high intensity workouts using moderate weight dumbbells with a high number of repetitions.

Plyometric box

A wooden box is true, it is nothing more at first glance, but as simple as it may seem it will help you a lot during your functional training training session. With 3 different heights depending on the side you use it is considered a very useful tool in functional training. Great for improving domains such as : stability, balance, concentration, precision in movements and, of course, muscle strength.

Medicine ball

In functional training, some tools have multiple uses and the medicine ball is really one of those great tools. In fact, the medine ball (English term) can be used as extra weight during lunges or squats, or used as a “throwing” weight as part of wall-ball exercise.

Be sure to buy sturdy and highly resistant medicine balls as they will be one of the most ill-treated tools.


Adding weight in functional training is positive, it helps improve your fitness level faster. In addition, the use of kettlebell in workouts will diversify the range of exercises as many can be performed using this functional training tool.

Kettlebells are of different weight, so you will surely find the one that best suits your purpose. When buying keep weight in mind as an essential parameter to consider.

We strongly recommend that you learn how to use Kettlebells correctly before switching to a heavy weight Kettlebell.

Location of the Races

Hyrox races are held in different locations around the world, allowing athletes to participate in local or international events based on their preferences and availability. Race locations can vary from fitness centers and gyms to outdoor spaces such as parks and sports arenas. This variety of locations adds an element of novelty and adventure to the experience of participating in a Hyrox race.

Curiosities and Anecdotes

An interesting curiosity about Hyrox is that the very name of the discipline comes from the combination of the words “Hy” that stands for “Hybrid” and “Rox” that stands for “Race”, reflecting the very essence of the hybrid challenge that offers athletes. In addition, Hyrox has gained increasing popularity thanks to its inclusive nature that welcomes athletes of all ages and fitness levels, creating a positive and stimulating competition environment for all participants.


In conclusion, Hyrox represents a new frontier in sports and fitness, offering athletes a challenging and comprehensive challenge that tests all their physical and mental abilities. With its intriguing origins, challenging trials, various race categories, cutting-edge equipment, striking locations and fascinating curiosities, Hyrox continues to win the hearts of fitness enthusiasts around the world, promising unparalleled emotions and satisfactions.

Hyrox | At the Forefront of Sport and Fitness
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Hyrox | At the Forefront of Sport and Fitness
Everything you need to know about Hyrox and the equipment to use to train in the company and prepare for the competitions of this discipline
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