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Cross Training | How to buy the right equipment for the box

In the first part of our guide : Cross Training Box | Let’s design it together with the advice of our sales team we saw how to choose the right room, the heights, the size of the training area and what equipment to buy to start our entrepreneurial venture in the world of functional fitness.

But now it’s time to go a little bit further and really get to know what equipment to buy based on the number of users who will virtually participate in our classes.

The cross training classes

When we decide to open a box it means that in addition to the open gym, our core business will be giving classes.

What are classes? A number of people that train together during a session that lasts from 60 to 90 minutes in which a coach gives a class to a set number of customers. Usually such classes never exceed 20/30 elements.

The advantages of participating in a class are manifold, one on all is being scrupulously followed during training by a coach, sometimes even two.

Participating in a training group like this allows you to form friendships that can thrive even after training.

How a class takes place

The class (training session) lasts, as we said, can vary from 60 to 90 minutes. Over this amount of time you will find the first part dedicated to warm ups, the middle part dedicated to the improvement of a skill, and the final part dedicated to the workout of the day (WOD).

What equipment is used during training

As we have already explained in the first part of our guide, the necessary tools for the exercises are many, here is the complete list :

  1. Rig
  2. Ghd
  3. Barbell bars
  4. Bumpers
  5. Kettlebbells
  6. dumbbells
  7. Med Ball
  8. Plyo Box
  9. Rower
  10. Assault Bike
  11. Air Runner
  12. Bike Erg
  13. Sky Erg
  14. Jump Rope
  15. Rope
  16. Battle Rope
  17. Atlas Stone
  18. Slam Ball

These are the tools that can be found in any respectable cross training box.

How much equipment to buy for our box

Once we reach the fateful decision to buy the equipment for our Cross Training box we may find ourselves lost and make the mistake of buying too much or too little material. In this second part of the guide dedicated to the opening of a Cross Training box we will see together how to calculate the equipment to be purchased, waste free, by analyzing each product.

Rig for Cross Training

As we have seen in the first part of our guide, The rig is one of the fundamental tools for a Cross Training box, its position can be either central or side self-supporting or leaning against the wall and fixed through special supports.

When you choose one position rather than another, you should bear in mind the space that it takes up. Let’s make an example, a Cross Training box that has decided to accommodate 16 people per class.

How large should a rig be to comfortably accommodate 16 users? A rig for 16 users must have a minimum of 8 pull-up bars, so that users can alternate during the WOD.

Discover all our Rigs available for purchase


The GHD is one of the tools that can not miss in a Cross Training box, but its size does not always match the size of the box. If you have space, we recommend that you take at least one GHD for every two people who attend the class. So for a class of 20 people we could buy 1 GHD.

Discover all our GHD’s available for purchase

Barbell bars

The barbell is a bit more complex because there are barbell bars for both men and women. Being of different weight Men 20kg/ Women 15kg.

Obviously we do not know in advance the number of female and male users who will attend classes, so to overcome this problem it is always good practice to buy a number of barbells exceeding the maximum number of users by 50%.

In the case of a class of 20 people, the norm is to buy 15 men’s barbells and 15 women’s barbells so as to be safe in case of classes that exceed by gender one rather than the other.

Olympic barbell Man Kingsbar II

Women’s Olympic Barbell Bar Queens


Bumpers plates are never too many 🙂 So the saying goes. Joking aside, having a sufficient number of bumper plates to carry out the training is crucial. We always recommend buying a minimum weight of 100kg of bumpers per single user so that you can provide even in the most challenging Weightlifting sessions to the lack of weight to load, such as.

Which pumpers plate to choose:

There are different types of bumpers plate to choose from, from the most expensive and professional Competition through Hi Temp and Royal. The choice basically always falls freely on the type of customers you have and the location of your box.

For example : The high density rubber of our Hi-Temp bumpers, which passes through a special vulcanization process, allows these bumpers a low and controlled dead bounce. The controlled and low rebound ensures long life to the discs, prevents damage to the floor and equipment and helps to avoid injuries to those who use them and especially reduces noise during the drop.

Essential if you share your own training space with other businesses. Here are some of the bumper plates available for purchase on our store :

Bumper Plate Competition

Bumper Plate Hi Temp

Bumper Plate Royal


As for barbells there are different weights suitable more or less to women. We know a lot of athletes who don’t have any problem using 24kg Kettlebells, but we also know that this does not always happen in the classic Cross Training boxes, where we will find for the most part novice users. So the question arises.

What Kettlebells to buy

The answer is more than what, but “how many” kettlebbells to buy. Usually the weights of the kettlebells are as follows:

  1. 4 kg (handle diameter: 29,2 mm)
  2. 6 kg (handle diameter 31,3 mm)
  3. 8 kg (handle diameter 32,9 mm)
  4. 10 kg (handle diameter 32,9 mm)
  5. 12 kg (handle diameter 35,9 mm)
  6. 16 kg (handle diameter 37,9 mm)
  7. 20 kg (handle diameter 37,9 mm)
  8. 24 kg (handle diameter 37,3 mm)
  9. 28 kg (handle diameter 37,3 mm)
  10. 32 kg (handle diameter 39,1 mm)

Considering that for most of the exercises a single KB is used (even if not always) we suggest to buy for the weights so called central (marked in red) a number equal to the number of average users that you have planned to participate in the classes.

With a simple calculation, 20 people per class means 20 KB for individual weight should do for this purpose.

Available types of Kettlebbells

Basically there are two main types of Kettlebells available on the market: the Kettlebbells Competitions and the Kettlebbells Supreme . The choice as always is at your discretion, but it is worth taking a closer look at the models available on our store. Here they are

Supreme Kettlebell Kingsbox

KingsBox Competition Kettlebell 2.0

Conclusion Guide PART II

We have reached the end of the second part of the guide to the opening of a Cross Training box, we hope that we managed to shed some clarity on the type of equipment needed and especially on the quantities that we should hypothetically buy so as not to run into mistakes.

Don’t go!

Don’t lose PART III of our guide where we will continue to talk about the amount of equipment to buy to make your perfect box. In the next guide we will talk about dumbbells, Med Balls, Plyo Boxes, Rowers, Assault Bikes, Air Runners, Bike Ergs, Sky Ergs and much more.