Categories: How to choose the equipment

Personal Trainer Equipment | The special guide PART 1

As a real bomb, social networks, Instagram in particular, have allowed tens of thousands of personal trainers in the world, to be known and expand their clientele exponentially.

A personal trainer basically has 3 ways to operate, sell their customized packages to the public online, receive their customers live in their studio or go home from their customer.

The personal trainer has quickly become a huge business, with huge growth prospects, which has allowed many training professionals to establish themselves in the world of fitness. Let’s find out together how to make the perfect PT study.

Equipment for Personal Trainer studios

If it is your intention to open a Personal Training studio, we at Kingsbox can help you. We have hundreds of different types of tools to suit you, and we have decided to create a list of MUST HAVE equipment. With the intention of supporting you in the choice of products, thus saving you considerable amounts of money.

Let’s start then, follow us in the selection of equipment for Personal Training Studios

Rubber floor SBR

Like any good Personal Trainer studio you must always start from the base, in this case from the floor.

The SBR rubber gym floor is one of the basic conditions for starting your new adventure. Most likely the commercial space you rented has a tile floor.

We have two very good reasons to buy a rubber floor for gyms.

The first is the safety of your customers. The SBR rubber floor protects the joints of your customers from trauma due to jumps, the use of loads and why not also from the temperature too low of a classic tile floor.

The second is the background protection. Most likely you will have taken a commercial space to rent to build your personal trainer studio and the owners will want it all inside when it is returned to them. A rubber floor SBR effectively protects the original substrate from impacts and accidental fall of loads.

Which gym floor to choose ?

Very simple choose among the different solutions in our section dedicated to rubber floors for gyms, Crossfit boxes, Personal Trainer studios.

Self-supporting rack

The rack is one of the fundamental tools to be used in a personal trainer’s studio, fundamental because it has a virtually infinite use for hundreds of exercises. Thanks to this cost-effective accessory, your personal trainer studio can take on a professional and prestigious look.

Pull-up. squat, muscle up, exercises with flat bench and much more. Thanks to accessories such as the J CUP you can transform your rack into a multi-gym.

Which rack to choose for your PT studio? Very simple. Visit our section dedicated to self-supporting indoor rack where you will find dozens of racks for any need.

Barbells and Bumpers

Never without, this is the mantra of all the PT that respect each other. Each study requires at least one barbell for men and one for women, also if you want you can choose from dozens of variants of special barbell made to develop skills and skills.

For a PT study we always recommend our Olympic barbells perfect because they lend themselves to virtually any type of exercise and discipline, from Crossfit to Powerlifting our Olympic barbells are the perfect choice because they are made with high quality materials at a price that has no rival on the market.

Which barbell to choose ? Very simple, just visit our section dedicated to Olympic barbells to find the one that best suits your needs.

Bumper Plate

Don’t forget to add a series of professional rubber discs to your kit, our bumper plates are made with the best materials and their cost is really unbeatable. You can choose between different types of discs of different weight.

To start you should buy

  1. One pair of 5kg discs
  2. One pair of 10kg discs
  3. One pair of 15kg discs
  4. One pair of 20kg discs

So you can satisfy all your customers according to your workload.

Which pumper plate to choose, very simple. Choose from the many variants in our section dedicated to the gym weight plates pumper plate.

Study accessories for personal trainers

Small, cheap and very useful. There are many accessories that you can’t miss in a Personal Trainer studio. Let’s see together the most important ones to possess.

Battle Rope

Battle rope is one of the tools that should never be missing in a personal training studio. Inexpensive is easy to store will allow you to recreate a whole host of truly unique exercises

Here is one of our cheapest battle rope models available for purchase

Jump Rope, Jump Rope, Speed Rope

The skipping rope is another inexpensive and very useful tool, perfect for all personal trainers who want to offer their customers a varied and creative training path.

In our section dedicated to skipping ropes you can choose between different types of ropes. From the professional elite athletes to the basic ones for those who have to start learning.

Wall Ball, Mad Ball, Slam Ball, Yoga Ball

What can I say, the medicine ball and all the new invented versions have brought a huge benefit to the training, different in consistency, weight, use the medicine balls according to their functionality are called in the most disparate ways. In our section dedicated to medical training balls you can find the one that suits you and choose between Cannon Wall Ball and Slam Ball for Cross Training or Yoga Ball and much more.


Joy and delight of every self-respecting personal trainer. Cheap and easy to use, the Kettlebells allow you to perform a really huge amount of exercises. In a short time they have established themselves as a very good training tool and are currently used in different sports. Their special shape allows to train effectively the whole body.

Which Kettlebell to choose? We recommend that you take one of our set of kettlebells to meet the needs of all your customers.

Choose from the different sets available

  • 4kg – 16kg
  • 20kg – 32kg
  • 4kg – 32kg

haltères, Gym haltèress

Another of the tools that should never be missing in a personal trainer studio is a nice set of haltèress. Perfect for a series of virtually endless exercises. Perfect for all types of customers, from the strongest to the least trained. Cheap and easy to store gym haltèress are a real blessing for Personal Trainer studios.

Which gym haltèress to buy? Simple, visit our section dedicated to gym dumbbells to find everything you need. As always, to save money, we recommend buying a set of HEX haltèress to cover all the needs of your customers.

Conclusion Part 1

We have reached the end of the FIRST PART of our guide to create the perfect personal trainer studio. Stay tuned, soon will be out the second part where we will talk about many other types of equipment to complete the study by Personal Training of your dreams!

For any information or to receive a design advice contact us at you will receive in a very short time all the support you need.

Thank you!