Categories: How to choose the equipment

Buy the right rowing machine for your box or your gym

Buying the right rowing machine for your box of Crossfit® or for your gym or your personal trainer studio can be a very difficult task.

There are so many brands and models to choose from that getting lost in a sea full of information can become really easy. We will try in this guide to buying the right rowing machine to offer you all the information possible to choose the best rowing machine available on the market.

Advantages of rowing machine

Rowing machine Concept2

Using a rowing machine in your gym or box of CrossFit®, allows you to offer your customers a complete training tool for the whole body.

Solid and precise in measuring the training data through a special monitor, allows you to keep track of the results and performance of your athletes.

This is one of the main reasons why it is used in competitions such as Crossfit Games.

Before the advent of equipment such as the Bikeerg or the Skierg was often found in the boxes of CrossFit® officers, only two “cardio machines” if so you can call.

The Assault Air Bike and the rowing machine Concept model D.

Many customers just registered to the box asked :

Why there are no other equipment such as elliptical, isotonic or other in that place so bare??

Here is the secret of Pulcinella 🙂

Rowing machines are the only gym equipment that provides a complete training for the whole body.

When you use a rowing machine, over 80% of their muscles are stressed. Most other exercises, such as running to name one, mainly train your legs and leave out much of your upper body muscles.

Rowing instead uses these neglected muscles, through a long range of movements.

Using a rowing machine can allow you to burn up to 1,000 calories per hour and will allow you to increase your metabolism for hours after a workout!

Rowing in the CrossFit®

Rowing machine Xebex

Many people are wondering why the CrossFit®, has decided to give ample space to training derived from professional rowing.

Below we will try to give a number of concrete answers to this question.

  • Rowing is a type of low impact training, excellent for joints and allows you to train efficiently taking a “muscle break” from exercises that overly stress the joints.
  • Thanks to the precise measurement of performance via the monitor, it provides quantifiable results to be compared with previous workouts and other athletes.
  • Adds variations and intensity to workouts.
  • Helps to increase your VO2 max.
  • Lack of engine, so it will be more durable and will last longer.
  • The more you row, the stronger the resistance: no push button to accelerate, just your own strength.
  • Rowing machines are “inexplicably” cheaper than treadmills and elliptical machines and allow a truly complete training.

How to choose a quality rowing machine

Rowing machine Concept2 Model E

Now that we have discussed why the Crossfit® (specifically) uses rowing machines, we can find out together what features a rowing machine needs to work well and withstand the test of time.

Superior quality construction design

The construction design must ensure a product that can withstand an intense workout that can last in time.

Low cost

A reasonable price will allow the owners of Boxes and gyms, to be able to buy a satisfactory number of them in order to offer all their customers a complete training experience.

High-performance monitor

A monitor must be able to accurately measure distance, stroke and watt in a precise way.

Compactness and ease of storage

A quality product must offer the possibility to be stored in a comfortable way, to save space in the gym or at the box.

Construction reliability

The quality of the construction parts must be as well as durable, easily replaceable and convenient.

European Guarantee

All quality rowing machines currently on the market have a guarantee that protects against manufacturing defects.


A good rowing machine must be suitable for all types of athletes with different weights and heights.

Rowing machines in comparison

Based on the above criteria, there are two rowing machines that we would recommend and the Concept2 Model D with PM5 monitor and the Xebex Air Rower (Xebex 2.0, Xebex Smart Connect and Xebex 3.0.)

Advantages of the Concept2 Model D rowing machine with PM5 monitor

  1. One of the most robust models with a proven track record of unparalleled performance.
  2. Sold at a relatively low cost.
  3. The PM5 monitor is one of the best monitors for rowing machines.
  4. It is an air rowing machine.
  5. Easily folds to save space.
  6. Easy to find spare parts.
  7. 2-year warranty for parts and 5-year warranty for frame
Volano vogatore Concept2
Pedane vogatore Concept2
Sedile vogatore Concept2
Monitor vogatore Concept2
Vogatore Model D Concept2
Vogatore Model D Concept2

The advantages of the Xebex Air Rower rowing machine

  1. Cost-effective as the Concept Model D.
  2. Build quality and excellent materials.
  3. Precise air resistance easy to adjust.
  4. Very easy to store and fold.
  5. 2-year warranty for parts and 5-year warranty for frame.
  6. Ergonomic comfortable seat.
  7. For home and professional use.
Monitor vogatore Xebex
Pedane vogatore Xebex
Volano vogatore Xebex
Sedile vogatore Xebex

Xebex vs Concept

In this article you will find an accurate comparison of the two rowing machines Concept Model D and Xebex Air Rower, before making your choice, it would be useful to deepen your knowledge.

Official manufacturers sources