Training Academy

Functional training | Advanced routine with exercises

Welcome back, we look forward to seeing you again and welcome you to our guide to advanced routine workouts for functional fitness.

If you missed our beginner routine please read our article on Functional workouts | Beginner routine with exercises and also the article on Intermediate routine for functional workouts with the excercices explained.

Advanced routine of functional workouts

If you have successfully completed your intermediate training routine it is time to move on to advanced routine exercises with equipment.

The last step towards mastering the movements, to be able to train independently and efficiently.

For this series of exercises we will need some training equipment such as gym dumbells and a barbell with weights.

Also remember to perform for each exercise 3 series x 10-12 reps until you feel the muscles really working. The last reps of the set should be challenging, but you should still be able to complete them with a good technique.

Romanian detachment to one leg

Challenge your barbell and strength by performing the break on one leg.

Muscles affected:

  1. Quads
  2. Back muscles of the thigh
  3. glutes

How to perform the exercise:

  • Hold a handlebar in each hand, placing them in front of your thighs.
  • Put your weight in your right leg and start to hinge at the waist.
  • Let your left leg move up and back and your arms hang.
  • Keep your right knee soft, your back straight, and your eyes forward, making sure your hips stay perpendicular to the ground.
  • When the left leg reaches parallel to the ground, go back to the beginning pose and repeat.

Type of equipment needed:

For this type of exercise we need bumpers and Olympic barbells or a hex dumbbells or dumbbell

Front squat

The front squats can be completed with a barbell or a pair of dumbbells, whatever you have available. Move the load to the front of your body and challenge your core and legs in new, fun ways.

Muscles affected:

  1. Quadriceps
  2. glutes
  3. Abdominal muscles

How to perform the exercise:

  • Safely load the weight on the front side.
  • Place the barbell on the front of your shoulders or place one side of each handlebar on the front of your shoulders.
  • Push your elbows upwards, regardless of your equipment.
  • Start squatting, starting the movement in your hips and bending your knees.
  • To resist falling forward keep your chest up and your knees out.
  • Push back through your heels to repeat.

Type of equipment needed:

For this type of exercise we need bumpers and Olympic barbells or a hex dumbbells or dumbbells

Long reverse with rotation

Adding a spin to the lounges will challenge your barbell and really make all your muscles burn, thus working very intensively.

Muscles affected:

  1. glutes
  2. Quads
  3. Back muscles of the thigh
  4. Abs
  5. Deltoids
  6. Pectoral

How to perform the exercise:

  1. Hold a handlebar on each end at chest height.
  2. Step back with your right foot.
  3. When you are in the lunge position, extend your arms and rotate your torso over your left side.
  4. Start to stand up, bending your arms to bring the handlebar back to the chest.
  5. Repeat on the other leg.

Type of equipment needed:

For this type of exercise we need a hex dumbbells or dumbbells

Renegade row with dumbbells

Muscles affected:

  1. Abs
  2. Rhomboids
  3. Biceps
  4. Quadriceps

How to perform the exercise:

  • Place yourself in the plank position with each of your hands on a handlebar.
  • Your body should form a straight line from your head to your toes.
  • Keeping your core strong, row with your right arm, bending your elbow and pulling it to the sky.
  • Stop before you start to open and make sure your hips stay perpendicular to the ground throughout the movement.
  • Return the handlebar to the ground and repeat with your left arm.

Type of equipment needed:

For this type of exercise we need a hex dumbbells or dumbbells

Burpee Box Jump

Functional strength routines can also incorporate a cardio element. Working on power is as important as strength, especially for advanced athletes.

Muscles affected:

  1. Glutes
  2. Quads
  3. Back muscles of the thigh
  4. Pectoral
  5. Deltoids

How to perform the exercise:

  • Do a burpee
  • Immediately after standing up, jump on the plyometric box and land on the other side
  • Do another burpee
  • Repeat 10/12 times

Type of equipment needed:

For this type of exercise we need a plyometric box


This concludes our third and final functional training guide, in this advanced version we learned to perform some advanced training exercises.

As you could see, with very few tools you can complete an advanced training.

We know that the next step would be a home gym so we created new and improved sets at really competitive prices.

We suggest you to visit the section dedicated to home gyms where you can find great solutions to start immediately training like a  professional  without spending a fortune.

See you soon!