Building Better Humans

The crucial role of functional training in tennis

Functional training is proving increasingly essential in the world of tennis to improve the strength, explosiveness and endurance of athletes. This methodology is distinguished by its ability to improve general athletic skills through multi-joint movements that mimic daily or sporting activities.

The Importance of Functional Training in Tennis

Functional training is characterized by its versatility and effectiveness in improving sports performance. Here’s how it can benefit a tennis player:

  • Increased Explosiveness: Essential for quick shots and powerful shots.
  • Increased Strength: Essential for sustaining long games and preventing injuries.
  • Improved Endurance: Crucial to maintain high performance during tournaments.

KingsBox Functional Equipment

KingsBox is a renowned brand for its high quality equipment, designed for functional workouts. Here are some of the key tools that can be used to maximize the effectiveness of training:

  • Kettlebells: Ideal for exercises that improve explosive strength, balance and coordination.
  • Dumbbells and barbells: Perfect for strengthening muscles and increasing strength.
  • Free Weights: Used for core lifting and strengthening exercises.
  • Rings and Pull-Up Bars: Great for developing upper body and core strength.
  • Elastic bands: Useful for improving strength and flexibility.

1. Plyo Box

The Plyo Boxes are perfect for plyometric exercises, essential to improve explosive power.

2. Extension bars

Pull-up bars are essential to develop upper body strength, which is essential for climbing and pulling movements.

3. Kettlebell

Essential to improve explosiveness and coordination in tennis movements.

4. Manubri Kettlebell

These tools are versatile and can be used for a wide range of strength exercises.

5. Med Ball (Medicine Balls)

Medicine balls are great for power exercises and core conditioning.

6. Sandbags

Sandbags are excellent for simulating functional movements and improving stability.

7. Battle Rope

Battle ropes are ideal for improving upper body strength and endurance.

Functional Training Routine

An example of a functional training routine might include:

  • Warm-up: Light running, dynamic stretching.
  • Strength Training:
    • Barbell Squat: Strengthens legs and core.
    • Deadlift: Increases lower body strength.
  • Plyometric training:
    • Swing with Kettlebell: Improves explosive strength.
    • Box Jumps: Enhances the power of the legs.
  • Core Training:
    • Plank on Rings: Strengthens the core.
    • Russian Twists with Dumbbells: Improves core strength and stability.
  • Recovery: Static stretching, foam rolling.

Benefits of Functional Training with KingsBox

  • Improves the Power of Shots: Stronger and faster shots on the field.
  • Increases Endurance: Ability to maintain high performance during long games.
  • Prevents Injuries: Strengthens muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injuries.
  • Versatility and Adaptability: KingsBox equipment allows you to perform a wide range of exercises, adapting to every athletic need.

Motivation and Dedication

Determination and discipline in training are evident in the results of athletes who follow a functional training regime. The ability to combine technical skills with excellent physical preparation is what distinguishes the best. Using the right equipment, like the one offered by KingsBox, can help any athlete to reach new levels of performance.


Functional training can lead to exceptional results in tennis. KingsBox tools can provide excellent support for anyone who wants to improve their physical performance. Incorporating functional training with quality equipment can be the next step to achieving your athletic goals.

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The crucial role of functional training in tennis
The secret of the success of tennis champions with functional training to boost strength, explosiveness and endurance.
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