The new Crossfit Games 2021 season kicks off | The Open is coming

Here we are, despite the current situation, Crossfit makes known the dates for the new season of Crossfit Games 2021 that begins with the Open.

Many news this year, among the most interesting is the opportunity to buy gift vouchers for the Christmas holidays to allow your loved ones to participate in the next Open that will begin officially March 11th, 2021.

Sign up for someone you love

Registration will start on January 7th and like every year you can sing up to the Open directly from the official website of Crossfit Games.

Crossfit Opens are the largest online sports event in the world. Hundreds of thousands of fans in the world each year challenge each other from all around the world.

Whether you’re a simple enthusiast or an elite athlete, the Crossfit Open will allow you to challenge virtually thousands of other members of the world community in real time.

Thanks to the official Crossfit Games app you can keep track of your positioning in the most exciting challenges starting from your home box to finish to the world general ranking.

Crossfit’s Open represent this year more than ever a real shot of confidence, a symbol of hope that gives us the energy and hope for a near future where we can return to train, compete and have fun together like a year ago.

Lots of news

The novelties introduced are very interesting :

There will be real quarter-finals

There will be a new category dedicated to people with disabilities

Sanctionals will return, 10 events around the world to allow just everyone to bring a member of their nation to the next Crossfit Games that will take place in Madison, in emergency Winsconsin allowing the 26 July.

At this particular moment we all need to focus on positive things, on the possibility of training and preparing for the new challenges that surely will be waiting for us in the near future.

We at Kingsbox have always been close to the European sports community. Thanks to this sport and to the people who made this community one of the most active in the world, we met wonderful people.

Customers and Friends

Many fans became first customers and then good friends. In our small way we have contributed to the creation of dozens of small and large businesses based on the well-being of people.

To you and to your tenacity goes our respect and our gratitude. We know that these are very complicated moments for you all and we also know that it is often not easy to get up and get back to normal.

What we can tell you is that we are and will always be at your side to support you in any way we can.

A sincere wish

Hope must not abandon us. Only together will we be able to overcome all this and return to live with a baggage of very important experience.

Our wish is to overcome together as soon as possible this moment so hard to be able to live the sport as a community once again at the maximum power, together having fun.

To sign up for the upcoming Crossfit Open or give the registration through a gift card visit the official website of Crossfit Games at this address.

Let’s work something out together

We know that making an investment in this moment of uncertainty does not always seem the best choice, but we want to reassure you by telling you that together you can always find a solution to every problem.

This is not ultimately the true sense of being community?

So please contact us at our references what mail or phone you find on this page for any advice request. We are ready to offer you all our support.