Categories: How to choose the equipment

Reverse Hyper | Development of the core and back muscle chain

The philosophy of Kingsbox is to combine innovation and research to always offer products of the highest quality without compromise. The fitness equipment should first be considered as an efficient support to our training sessions and our brand new Reverse Hyper.

The ultimate tool, perfect for improving the strength of the back muscle chain in a targeted way and supporting the development of strength and core.

Low back pain is an all too common problem for those who are forced to work sitting for long periods maybe having a bad posture. It is no wonder that back pain is one of the main diseases suffered by those who work in the office.

If sitting for long periods of time can cause such pain, imagine what it can do to lift hundreds of pounds during squat or deadlift training sessions for the lower back.

History of the Reverse Hyper.

The attribution of the authorship of this invention is still unclear. Several people over the years have attributed the authorship of the invention of Reverse Hyper. In the early 1970s, Louie Simmons, the famous powerlifter and founder of the Westwide Barbell club, suffered a series of back injuries and decided to create a type of equipment that would allow him to recover from the injury suffered.

There are reasons to believe that Louie simply perfected the machine instead of inventing it. Many others have claimed to have invented the Reverse Hyper in the 70s. One of these is the Canadian coach Tony Dolezel.

Dolezel himself admitted that he was preceded by another Canadian powerlifter, Roger Quinn, who in turn created similar equipment.

So who do we attribute the invention of Reverse Hyper to?

Probably everyone or nobody. Surely its improvement over the years has led to have a quality product with really interesting features.

Technical definition

Reverse Hyper is a type of fitness equipment that reduces compression in the lower spine. It strengthens the back muscles of the thigh, buttocks and quadriceps through a series of eccentric movements. It is usually used either after a heavy training session (in particular squats and detachments) or for accessory work to improve strength.

What does the Reverse Hiper do ?

There are different functions of this type of equipment.

Reverse Hyper is effectively used to strengthen the back muscle chain that includes :

  1. Buttocks
  2. Hind muscles of the thigh
  3. Lower back

Although the exercises that you do with this type of equipment may seem awkward and uncomfortable have helped many athletes in rehabilitation to improve their physical form and in addition have helped many athletes to improve and strengthen their chain muscular.

Gains in strength

Reverse Hyper effectively develops the strength of the rear chain useful in exercises such as squat and deadlift. The development of force can be achieved by using light, medium or heavy loads. It is important to start with simple and light progressions to avoid injury or injury.

Recovery from accidents

Reverse Hyper is also used for the recovery phase of the spine and back. In fact, the correct use of reverse hyper decompresses the spine, acting as a rehabilitation mechanism in the eccentric phase. The spine is gently stretched and depressurized during the process, creating essentially a mechanism of real internal pump, facilitating the transit in the spine of spinal fluid and the muscles of the lower back of blood.

Development of core strength

The Reverse Hyper helps efficiently manage and control the core while performing lifting exercises. Emphasizing the core rule at the ends. The development of core strength is the key to all functional movements. When moving any type of load, it is important to first support the big musculature then let the ends help to move the load.

Muscles involved

If performed correctly, the exercises performed with the Reverse Hyper can effectively train specific muscle groups without straining others. In particular, the back muscles of the thigh, buttocks and hip flexors.

Buttocks :

The use of Reverse Hyper develops and activates the muscles of the buttocks in an ideal way without straining the lower back. This type of exercise acts as a promoter of the dynamic force of the rear chain that directly influences the buttocks and at the same time builds the flexibility of the hamstring.

In the concentric phase, isolating the back muscles of the thigh, the use of Reverse Hyper allows you to create flexibility, power and strength.

Tendons of the knee :

The back muscles of the thigh help the hip to stretch while supporting the weight load by improving the pressure on the joints.

Hip :

For most exercises you need a proper hip hinge, including squat, clean, run and jump. If you are not flexible enough, these common but important movements are much more difficult to perform. The use of Reverse Hyper helps increase hip extension while reducing lower back tension.


The use of this fitness equipment has countless advantages that are undeniable. Equipping your gym with this tool will definitely improve the offers for your customers. Our Reverse Hyper is available for purchase at this address