Categories: How to choose the equipment

Restart safely | Kingsbox Outdoor Expert Advice

Exercise outdoors by improving the available surface. Learn how with the advice of Kingsbox experts.

The long awaited moment has arrived. On 25 May in Italy (except Lombardy 1 June) will reopen gyms, personal trainer studios and Crossfit box.

A real breath of air for all fitness operators who have seen missing from one day to the other their only source of sustenance.

The reopening brings with it some rules of social distance to be respected. The guidelines contained in the DPCM of May 18 have allowed all owners to be able to secure this week before the reopening of 25 May their premises.

Let’s see below what are :

Social distance between athletes.

Talking about Crossfit and Crosstraining boxes the situation seems less complicated than the classic gyms. The ability to keep classes of a small number of users allowed to delineate the spaces accurately.

Here is an example of how the spaces will be divided :

In this picture, as you can see, we applied adhesive tape to delimit the training spaces, each athlete has 9 square meters available, with a metre of corridor between the stations to be able to pass and maintain the safety distances even during the passage between one station and the other.

In this case the measurements have been correctly maintained to allow a safe training keeping the right distances recommended in the guidelines.

The problem could arise with the passage of the floor cleaning machine that due to too many steps required during the day could wear out the adhesive tape or even remove it due to the passage of the brushes.

The solution I propose to our experts could be even simpler.

Chinese Cones.

Small and practical, the cones are made of plastic and you can use them in the organization of real perimeters, to define the spaces between an athlete and another.

Our set on sale at this address contains a set of 20 cones that can be moved at the end of each training session to perform the washing of the floor with the appropriate machine for the washing of the floors.

Once the washing is complete, the cones can be repositioned to restore the training perimeters.

Outdoor Rig

Unfortunately, the interior spaces are not always sufficient to create an adequate number of workstations sufficient to cover the costs of reopening. If you own an outdoor space you could benefit from an extra surface to use as a training space.

The ultimate solution could be to buy a facility like our Mighty Outdoor Fort.

The “Mighty Outdoor Fort” has 4 standard positions (275cm) designed for pull-ups and barbell training, while the central part is higher (360cm) with 4 branches to hang 2 pairs of rings and 2 climbing ropes, allow you to realize a real outdoor training space thus doubling your training surface.

Powder coated with weatherproof treatment our Rig Outdoor will withstand rain, sun and snow.

Once the summer season is over and this emergency is to be hoped for, it will be possible to disassemble and reassemble it comfortably inside your box.

Here are some examples of some customers who have followed our advice.

Make outdoor workouts fun

The summer season will make us want to train our athletes outside using the spaces that gives us nature. So why not offer new exercises with fun and efficient training tools ?

Free Yoke

The reasons for its popularity are definitely the affordable price and ease of use. The list of exercises we can perform with the help of free yoke is virtually endless.

  • Squat
  • Trusters
  • Sinks
  • Yoke carrier
  • and many more.

The yoke consists of a bar and 2 supports for loading weights. With a very low cost you can offer your customers new exercises to be able to do outside while keeping the right safety distances having fun. Here is the link where you can buy our Free Yoke.

KingsBox Farmer Walk Handles

Space to fantasy with this tool that in its simplicity will allow you to realize fun challenges among your athletes. The low price is one of the reasons why you should buy our Kingsbox Farmer Walk Handles now.

Two 8 kg bars each, which will make you enjoy training safely. The Farmer Walk Handels were developed by the Axle Bars, to which we added a handle in the middle of each bar and shortened them by almost 70 centimeters.

On each bar it is possible to load up to 200 kg in bumpers with 48mm hole. Farmers Carry will help you strengthen your lower body, grip and upper back.

Slide Pull outdoor

The Kingsbox sled is durable and practical and is perfect for your athletes to train outside in compliance with the regulations while having fun.

The price also in this case is really low and can help you recover the missing internal space.

Unlike other similar sleds, the Kingsbox Sled has no limitations and can be used on all surfaces. Athletes can use it to liven up their workouts as well in the gym as on other types of flooring: artificial ones, grass, asphalt and concrete.

The steel with a thickness of 6 millimetres gives the sled stability and strength, protecting the weights even in the case of loads exceeding 200 kg. With the help of this sled you will enhance both the muscles of the front as well as the back of your body, improving your physical fitness.

Here is the link where you can buy it.

Outdoor Training Set

Tired of choosing each product individually? No problem, we have created for you the Outdoor Training Set.

Everything you need to start again safely and offer your customers all the necessary equipment to train outdoors having fun.

Here is the content of the set :

  • 1xBarbell of your choice: Kings Bar / Kings Bar-bushing series / Axle Bar / Queens Bar
  • 100 kg Bumper Plates
  • 1xSpring Collars (Pair)
  • 1xPull Sled
  • 1xKingsBox Sled Vest
  • 1x Parachute for Running
  • 1xSand Bag Adaptable
  • 1x Elastic Band Set (1 6,4mm, 1x13mm, 1x29mm, 1x45mm, 1x64mm)
  • Slam Ball of your choice: Slam Ball 30kg / Slam Ball 40kg / Slam Ball 50kg
  • Rack of your choice (Backyard WR2, Outdoor CX35, Royal SX10, Mighty SX10, Mighty SX15, Royal Yoke MX40, Royal Yoke MX45, Mighty Yoke MX45).

The price? Very very convenient, here is the link to buy our Outdoor Training Set


As you can see, there are several small, inexpensive equipment that can help you change the way you train your athletes safely, taking advantage of the outdoor spaces to increase your training surface.

The only limit is fantasy.

With our outdoor training products you can create dozens of always different wods with fun exercises to break the usual monotony.

For any information or questions please contact us at this address.

We will be happy to help you choose the best outdoor training products.