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Massage gun | Complete guide with photos and instructions

We are happy to present our TNG massage gun, small and elegant, with high performance!

The TNG Massage Gun has the ability to precisely adjust the speed of vibration to allow you to get to each muscle precisely and accurately with the smallest effort.

The small size will allow you to always carry it with you, so that you can use it at any time.

To celebrate the launch of the TNG Massage Gun, our experts have decided to create a detailed guide on the use and benefits of the massage gun.

To purchase our TNG Massage Gun please visit this address.

Professional guide to the use of the massage gun

In recent years, percussion massage guns have become an increasingly popular recovery tool, finding favor with doctors, coaches, professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts. But above all physiotherapists and specialists in athletic recovery.

Benefits of using the massage gun

Using massage guns promotes increased blood flow, reduces muscle tension, pain and mobility issues. All things that can lead to a better pre-workout and a faster post-workout recovery.

How a massage gun works

Massage guns work sending vibrating pulses to the muscles. According to a study by the Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic, vibroterapy has proven to be an effective tool to reduce delayed onset muscle tenderness.

But in addition to combatting pain, vibratory therapy has also proved useful to reduce the levels of lactic acid present in the body after training.

Why buy a massage gun

Massage guns, used to relieve muscle tension and temporarily increase circulation, reduce the risk of injury. In addition, percussive pressure helps to eliminate lactic accumulation from the muscles and reduce pain.

How to use a massage gun

Start slowly. Massage guns can be really powerful, so be careful, especially if you’re already sore. Always start with the lowest setting and from there gradually increase until you feel the effects of the massage on your body.

Always start from the larger muscle groups, such as glutes, quads, calves, back, until you have learned to maneuver properly and safely.

Use the other hand as a guide to identify the bone sections to avoid.

Make sure you don’t press too hard or stay in a place too long, if used incorrectly the massage gun, it can easily create more damage than benefits.

Remember to always keep the massage gun in motion for satisfactory results.

Use the massage gun for short periods, just focus on each part of the body for a few minutes, to get the maximum benefit from the treatment without causing trauma or discomfort to the area.

Advice for use

Be sure to avoid using the massage gun on arteries, nerves and internal organs

Pay attention to how your body responds and in case you experience pain or discomfort, stop the treatment immediately.

Final considerations

Massage guns are not a complete solution for all physical ailments or serious injuries, but on the contrary, they’re part of a proper athlete’s rehabilitation program, but they won’t magically solve an injury. Always be sure to contact a doctor in case of an injury that is not improving.