How to choose the equipment

How to heal from injuries with Cross Therapeutic Training

In recent decades, the focus on health and physical well-being has seen an exponential growth, with more and more people dedicating themselves to regular physical activity to maintain a healthy and vigorous body. However, as the intensity and frequency of training increased, so did the number of sports-related injuries. It is in this context that Cross Therapeutic Training has established itself as an innovative and effective response to address and overcome physical injuries, offering a versatile training method that can be adapted to different physical needs and conditions.

The evolution of rehabilitation

Cross-training therapy is an evolution from traditional rehabilitation programmes. It is not simply a set of exercises designed to strengthen the body, but a holistic approach that integrates various types of training to promote a complete and safe healing. The key to its success lies in its ability to combine exercises from different disciplines, such as swimming, cycling, yoga and free-motion training, to work on different areas of the body without overloading the injured areas.
Equipment plays a crucial role in this. The use of specific tools, such as those offered by KingsBox, allows you to modulate the intensity of your training and adapt it to individual needs. The KingsBox equipment, designed to offer versatility and safety, allows you to perform targeted exercises that facilitate recovery without compromising the overall well-being of the body. For example, the use of the Royal Air Rower allows you to maintain a good cardiovascular fitness without risking your joints, The Resistance Bands and the Gymnastic Rings help to strengthen muscles and improve mobility in a gradual and controlled way.

The watchword is prevention

Another key aspect of Cross Therapeutic Training is its ability to prevent future injuries. By strengthening the body in a balanced and complete way, you reduce the chances of overloading a particular area, which is often the main cause of injuries. In addition, the variety of exercises offered helps to maintain high motivation, avoiding the monotony that often characterizes traditional rehabilitation programmes.

However, it is important to remember that Cross Therapeutic Training is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each individual is unique, with different needs, abilities and recovery times. It is essential to tailor the training program, possibly with the help of a professional, to ensure that the approach adopted is as effective as possible for the specific situation.

How does Cross Training work with the KingsBox?

  1. Exercise Diversification: The use of equipment such as the KingsBox Squat Stand or the Royal Air Rower allows you to switch between different training modes. For example, if you have a knee injury, you can use the Royal Air Rower to work on cardiovascular endurance without straining your joints, while the KingsBox Squat Stand allows you to perform modulated squats, Ensuring stability and safety.
  2. Rehabilitation-specific exercises: The equipment of the KingsBox offers various tools, such as Resistance Bands and Gymnastic Rings, which can be used for targeted rehabilitation exercises. These tools are ideal for the gradual strengthening of muscles and joints. The Resistance Bands can be used for mobilization and strengthening exercises without overloading the injured area.
  3. Active Recovery: Even during the recovery phase, it is essential to maintain a certain level of physical activity. The Royal Air Rower is perfect for active recovery, as it allows a low-impact training that promotes circulation and reduces muscle stiffness. You can also integrate mobilization exercises using the KingsBox Soft Plyo Box, which allows safe and controlled movements to improve mobility.
  4. Gradual progression: The KingsBox equipment is ideal for managing a gradual progression. For example, starting with light resistance exercises with the Resistance Bands, you can then move on to more demanding exercises with the Kettlebell KingsBox, gradually increasing the load and intensity according to your recovery capacity.
  5. Monitoring and adaptation: The use of equipment such as the KingsBox Adjustable Bench allows you to monitor and adapt your training safely. This tool is particularly useful for performing muscle-building exercises in positions that reduce the load on the injured area.

Benefits of Cross Training with KingsBox

  • Pain Reduction: The use of equipment such as the KingsBox Soft Plyo Box allows you to perform low-impact exercises, reducing pain and stress on injured areas.
  • Improved mobility: With tools such as Gymnastic Rings and Resistance Bands, you can perform targeted exercises to improve the mobility of damaged joints.
  • Injury Prevention: KingsBox equipment supports overall body strengthening, reducing the risk of future injuries through a balanced and safe training.
  • Complete Recovery: Thanks to the variety of equipment available, it is possible to maintain the general physical condition and promote a complete and safe recovery.

Example of a Cross Training Therapeutic Program with KingsBox equipment

Suppose you have suffered an ankle injury:

Royal Air Rower: Perfect for maintaining cardiovascular endurance without loading the ankle.

KingsBox Squat Stand: Used to perform controlled squats with reduced load, to strengthen the legs without overloading the joint.

Resistance Bands: For ankle mobilization exercises, improving flexibility and strength.

KingsBox Soft Plyo Box: Ideal for step-up or balance exercises, helping to recover the mobility of the ankle safely.

Gymnastic Rings: Used for core stabilization and muscle strengthening exercises, maintaining a correct and balanced posture.


In conclusion, the Cross Therapeutic Training, enriched by the use of KingsBox equipment, represents an advanced and comprehensive approach to injury recovery. Not only does it help to recover physical function, but also improves overall health, preventing further injury and promoting lasting well-being.

This method is distinguished by its flexibility and adaptability, making it suitable for anyone who wants to recover from an injury without giving up their training. The key to success lies in patience, gradual progression and willingness to listen to your body, which are fundamental elements for a full and safe recovery.

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How to heal from injuries with Cross Therapeutic Training
The reality of therapeutic cross training. A new frontier in injury prevention and muscle and myofascial recovery.
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