Categories: How to choose the equipment

Home gym outdoor | Tips and benefits of outdoor training

Outdoor training with an outdoor home gym is one of the most beautiful things to do this time of year.

Spring is finally here!

After a cold and psychologically stressful winter, the summer season takes over and allows us at least for the moment to train outdoors.

We all love to train in the gym with our wod companions, but it will take a little more time before returning to embrace us at the end of training.

Surely staying still to wait will not help us, being sedentary as we know can cause many problems, so given the arrival of spring maybe it is the case to go out in the garden and start moving.

Unfortunately as we know the gyms are closed, but having the opportunity to train at home with an outdoor home gym can help us a lot to stay in shape benefiting from lots of plus.

Exercising outdoors is not only beautiful but also very healthy. Here are a number of good reasons to work out in an outdoor gym.

Benefits of outdoor training

1) Outdoor training lowers blood pressure and reduces stress.

Dozens of studies have shown that outdoor physical activity lowers blood pressure and heart rate. As a result, outdoor exercise becomes less tiring and can help you improve your performance.

2) Using an outdoor home gym helps to improve the health of those who suffer from insomnia.

Regular exercise and fresh air combined with the sunlight help to improve sleep quality and restore melatonin levels.

3) Training outdoors, to enjoy the benefits of the sun.

Fresh air and natural light invigorate and provide energy to the mind and body.

The sun’s rays provide the invaluable vitamin D that we all need. In addition, sunlight maximizes energy generation in the muscles and tissue oxidation.

When training outdoors, it is always good to consider the possible damage caused excessive exposure to sunlight. So during your wod killers in your own backyard, don’t forget sunscreen and hydration during outdoor training.

4) Using the outdoor gym for training helps to respect nature

The use of your own outdoor home gym saves not only time but also natural resources, as you do not need to reach the training place with your own car.

5) Outdoor training allows you to be together

Training in your own outdoor home gym will allow you to train safely together with your loved ones. This allows you to spend more time in the company of your loved ones, also passing on to them your passion for training.

Home gym outdoor

Now that we’ve seen the benefits of exercising in an outdoor gym, let’s see what kind of equipment to use to make our own garden home gym.

Backyard Mighty Wall Rig – WR2

Package Contents

1 Rope Climb workstation

1 Ring Muscle Up workstation

2 Pull Up workstation

1 Squat workstation

1x Wall Ball Target


Material: steel (zinc coating) – weather resistant

Max height: 3600 mm

Min height: 2750 mm

Width: 1260 mm

Length: 1860 mm

Profiles: 80 x 80 mm

Included in the price are the bolts for assembly. Do not include bolts for anchoring to the floor.

Backyard Mighty Freestanding Rig FR-4

The package includes

1 Rope Climb/Ring station (not included climbing rope or rings)

3 Pull Up station

1 Squat Station (including J-Cups copy)

1x Dip Bar

1x Wall Ball Target

1x Land mine


Material: steel (zinc coating) – weather resistant

Max height: 3600 mm

Min height: 2750 mm

Width: 1260 mm

Length: 1860 mm

Profiles: 80 x 80 mm

Peters Backyard Gym Set

The package includes

1x Kings Bar or Queens Bar

50 kg / 100 kg Bumper Plates

1x Climbing Rope

1x Cannon Wall Ball 6 kg / 9 kg

1x Mighty Mobility Roller

Rack Outdoor (Zinc coating) – weather resistant:


Max height: 3600 mm

Min height: 2750 mm

Width: 1860 mm

Length: 1260 mm

1 Rope Climb workstation

3 Pull Up workstation

2 Squat Station

1x Dip Bar

1x Wall Ball Target

1x Land mine

Mighty Outdoor Tower

The package includes

1x Mighty J-Cups (Pair)

1x Exercise Rings

1x Climbing Rope


1 Rope Climb position

1 Ring Muscle Up position

2 Pull Up position

1 Squat position


Material: steel (zinc coating) – weather resistant

Max height: 4500 mm

Min height: 3600 mm

Width: 1700 mm

Length: 1260 mm

Profiles: 80 x 80 mm

Included in the price are the bolts for assembly. Do not include bolts for anchoring to the floor.

Main Base Mighty Outdoor Rig

The package includes

1x Mighty Angel Arms (Pair)

1x Exercise Rings

1x Climbing Rope

2x Wall Ball Target

1x Dip Bar

1x Plyo Box Platforme


1 Rope Climb position

1 Ring Muscle Up position

7 Pull Up position

2 Squat position

Monkey Ladder


Material: steel (zinc coating) – weather resistant

Max height: 4500 mm

Min height: 2750 mm

Width: 1700 mm

Length: 4820 mm

Profiles: 80 x 80 mm

Mighty Outdoor Power Rack CX-35

A rack to mount in your garden? Yes with Kingsbox everything is possible.

We added a zinc coating to our Mighty Cx-35 to make it weatherproof.

The structure is compatible with all accessories for Mighty Rig from the Kingsbox range.


  • Height: 2500 mm
  • Width: 1260 mm
  • Length: 1060mm
  • Material: steel
  • Reach: 450 kg
  • Profiles: 80 x 80 mm


As you’ve seen, making your own outdoor home gym is really simple. So many models to choose from with really advantageous prices. Now you really have no excuse not to train. Choose the outdoor home gym you like best and start training.