Categories: How to choose the equipment

Custom equipment for Cross training boxes, Gyms and PT studios

A blank sheet of paper represents for us the creation of a new Cross training box, a new gym or a Personal Trainer studio. The only limit to making new Cross training box equipment is your imagination.

We have always treated every project here at Kingsbox as a unique case. When a new customer asks us to open your own new gym, we try first to understand the needs and the message that wants to convey, so that we can offer thanks to the support of our designers, all the assistance possible.

Creating from scratch the decor of a Cross training box or a classic commercial gym is not something to take lightly.

If you want to emerge and try to offer a different experience to the customer that sets us apart from the mass, we need to create a space that respects certain rules, but that in the same way suits our design and marketing needs.

Custom rigs and structures

Because at the end of the day, what really counts today in the fitness business is to stand out, know in depth the needs of its customers and anticipate them, creating training solutions that are performing but at the same time scalable to fit the athlete.

Kingsbox designs its structures according to strict design criteria of structural design but at the same time is very flexible in customization. Thanks to the ability of our designers you can choose for example the height and depth of the structure, adjust the length of the traction bars that connect the profiles and columns to adapt them to the available space.

Our rig are fully modular, so you can combine them with virtually any accessory you want, such as rope, monkey bar, dip bar, pulleys and much more. Also you can choose the color of both columns and accessories

Do you have in mind a type of special equipment ? No problem, you can collaborate with our design team and create your own customized product.

This is the real Custom Service.

Do you need a facility that can hold your boxing bags and monkeys bars? No problem, Kingsbox tailor any idea you have, to make your Crossfit box and your gym a unique place.

Customized sports equipment

Barbells customized according to your taste. One of the most used personalized gym equipment is definitely the barbells. Having a barbell for cross training, PL or WL customized will allow you to add a touch of style recognizable with your colors and your custom logo.

Personalized sportswear

Not only structures, Kingsbox makes lots of other custom accessories, such as clothing and accessories with your logo. The personalised experience that your client experiences through the teaching carried out by your coaches is not always reflected in the equipment and accessories of training that you have in your gym. Thanks to Kingsbox all this will no longer be a problem.

Custom gym furniture

Custom furniture, Yes Thank you! Kingsbox is also that. Customization and design of furniture for gyms and boxes of Cross training. Thanks to the knowledge of our craftsmen and designers, we have managed to create a real line of sports furniture, to offer your customers an immersive experience never experienced before.


Thanks to our team of professional designers of the highest level, we are able to realize any type of solution you have in mind. For free advice contact us by email at


Here are some customer testimonials videos that have relied on Kingsbox to realize their custom projects. Enjoy!

Audace FFC Trieste

Reflexo Upside

CF RedWall100

CF Claw Hammer