How to choose the equipment

Start again with the Cross Training after the holidays with KingsBox

After a summer break or an extended holiday, leaving and returning to training may seem like an insurmountable challenge. The body quickly gets used to rest, and the daily routine loses its rhythm. This is especially true for those who practice Cross Training, a physical activity that requires commitment, constancy and a certain amount of mental and physical endurance. The good news is that with the right equipment, like the one offered by KingsBox, resuming training can be not only effective but also enjoyable.

KingsBox is a brand renowned in the world of Cross Training for the quality and versatility of its equipment. Whether you are looking to improve your strength, endurance or flexibility, KingsBox offers a wide range of products designed to meet all your needs. From barbells to kettlebells, jump ropes and traction structures, the KingsBox equipment is designed for those who want to train to the maximum of their possibilities.

Resuming training after the holidays is not only about the body, but also the mind. Motivation is one of the most critical elements at this stage, and having the right equipment to start can make a difference. Working with high quality tools not only improves performance, but makes training safer and more challenging. And with the variety of equipment available, you can create a custom routine that exactly matches your goals and fitness level.

In this article, we will explore how to start the best cross training using KingsBox equipment. We will discuss how to plan the return to physical activity, which tools to use for specific exercises, and how to maintain high motivation. The goal is to provide you with a complete guide that allows you to get back in shape and find the pleasure of training.

1. Back on the track: Return to cross training after the holidays

1.1 The Role of Planning

Resuming Cross Training does not mean immediately returning to the pace and workloads that preceded the break. It is essential to plan a gradual return, which allows the body to readjust and leave without risking injuries. Setting a weekly plan, with realistic and progressive goals, helps to keep motivation high and avoid frustration.

1.2 The importance of heating

A good warm-up is crucial to prepare the body for physical exertion, especially after a period of inactivity to restart. Spend at least 10-15 minutes warming up, focusing on joint mobility exercises and light cardio. This will help prevent injuries and improve performance during training.

2. The KingsBox equipment: quality and versatility

2.1 Barbells and weights: the basis of cross training

The barbells and weights are essential for cross training. KingsBox offers a wide range of high quality rockers, designed to withstand intensive use. Weights, available in various sizes, allow you to customize the load according to your strength level and specific goals.

2.2 Kettlebell: Versatility and Functionality

Kettlebells are an incredibly versatile tool, perfect for exercises that combine strength and cardio. With KingsBox kettlebells, you can perform a wide range of movements such as swing, snatch and clean, working on multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

2.3 Jump Ropes: Agility and Endurance

The jump rope is a simple but extremely effective tool to improve agility and endurance. KingsBox offers adjustable ropes, ideal for different heights and skill levels. Skipping rope is also a great way to boost your heart rate and burn calories and get off on the right foot.

Cross training not only enriches the training program of endurance athletes, but also contributes to a more complete and sustainable physical preparation.

Cross training equipment for training

Rowing machine

HEX Dumbbells


Box plyometrico

Jump rope

Balance wheel

Pull-up bar

Medicine ball

Slam Ball

3. Plan a Cross Training Routine with the KingsBox Equipment

3.1 Strength Exercises

To build strength, it is essential to incorporate exercises that use weights and barbells. Movements like squats, deadlifts and bench presses should be included in your routine. The KingsBox boom will allow you to work safely, gradually increasing your load.

3.2 Cardio exercises

Cross Training is not just about strength; cardio work is equally important. The use of a jump rope and kettlebells allows you to run high intensity circuits, which improve cardiovascular endurance and help burn calories.

3.3 Mobility and Flexibility Exercises

Don’t forget to include mobility and flexibility exercises in your routine. These exercises are essential to improve the amplitude of movements and prevent injuries. The use of KingsBox elastic bands can be very useful in this context.

4. Keep Motivation High

4.1 Setting Realistic Goals

One of the most common mistakes when you start training again is to set yourself too ambitious goals. Start with small, achievable goals and gradually increase the difficulty. This will help you keep your motivation high and avoid burnout.

4.2 Vary the Routine

Another way to keep the interest is to vary your workout routine. With the KingsBox equipment, you can create endless combinations of exercises, making each session unique and challenging. This will not only help you stay motivated, but it will also allow you to train your body more fully.

4.3 Monitoring Progress

Tracking progress is key to staying motivated. Use a training journal or app to track your results and see how you’re improving. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and push you to continue.

5. Example of a Weekly Training Program

5.1 Monday: Strength

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes jump with rope
  • Main exercises: squat with barbell, deadlift, bench press
  • Final circuit: Kettlebell swing, Burpees, Mountain Climbers

5.2 Wednesday: Cardio and Agility

  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of jogging on the spot
  • Main exercises: Rope jump, Snatch with kettlebell, Box Jump
  • Final Circuit: High Knees, Battle Rope, Plank

5.3 Friday: Full Body

  • Heating: Mobility with elastic bands
  • Main exercises: Clean and Press with barbell, Bar Pull-ups, Kettlebell Thruster
  • Final circuit: Jumping Jacks, Push-up, Air Squat

6. Safety First

6.1 Correct Technique

It is essential to perform all exercises with a correct technique to avoid injuries. The KingsBox equipment is designed to support you in this, but it’s also important to take time to learn and perfect the technique.

6.2 Listen to your body

Don’t force your body to do more than it is ready to do. If you feel pain or excessive fatigue, it’s best to slow down or take a day off. The goal is to improve, not get hurt.


Resuming your Cross Training after the holidays can be challenging, but with the right equipment and a well-structured plan, you can get back into shape quickly and safely. KingsBox offers a complete range of high quality equipment that will allow you to train at your best, regardless of your level of experience. Plan carefully, keep your motivation high and remember that consistency is the key to success. With the right approach, you will soon be able to push yourself beyond your limits and reach new milestones.
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Start again with the Cross Training after the holidays with KingsBox
Find out how to start your cross training after the holidays with KingsBox equipment.
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