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Outdoor gym | How to realize it and attract new customers

The truth is this: during summer everyone wants to train in the open. We can assist you in meeting your current customers’ needs, while also giving you an interesting opportunity to increase membership numbers.

Some studies have found that people who perform their fitness routines outdoors train longer and more often, benefiting from changing their routines with ever-changing workout options.

Outdoor fitness equipment has made enormous progress, becoming extremely durable because it is made of weather resistant materials.

Having an outdoor space available for fitness is one thing, but knowing what equipment to put in those spaces is a completely different challenge.

Thanks to this article we will learn how to equip a fitness area outside and discover the benefits of having an outdoor training area.

Find new customers

Let’s start with a premise. Not everyone likes an indoors gym, there are many people who do not train in indoor gyms because they are afraid.

It may sound crazy but it’s real…

Fear of enclosed spaces, closeness to other people and many other reasons, or maybe just because they love to train outdoors.

This can be a real opportunity for gym managers. Being able to create an outdoor training space will allow you to reach many new customers.

Building loyalty for existing customers

Indoor gyms can be boring, especially in summer. Beautiful days naturally make us think of outdoor spaces, the sun, the fresh air. In short, the desire to enjoy summer does not always go hand in hand with training.

Often training in the same way can tire you out. Many times you lose customers just for lack of new stimuli, the workout routine can be boring, always training with the same machines can become alienating.

Creating an outdoor training space will help you create renewed interest for your customers, allowing them to experience a new outdoor fitness experience. Making them want to stay and not change gym.

Choose where to create your outdoor gym

We know that very often you may not have outdoor spaces in addition to that of the gym, but the lack of space often we can make up for with creativity. Even a simple parking will do, with the help of our outdoor rig structures that  can be installed without even making a hole in the ground.

Yes, thanks to solutions designed specifically for outdoor structures, we can create your training space without having to do any damages.

Space is fun

The key word is simplicity. The most important thing about an outdoor gym is to be able to have fun, isotonic machines look good inside gyms. Outside a good outdoor gym must have equipment that allows you to train while having fun.

Rig space, climbing nets, peg boards, medicine balls, rope. In short, equipment that allows your customers to train in a different way having fun, so you have another reason to return to training and share with your friends this news.

How to furnish an outdoor gym

There is nothing easier than decorating your new outdoor gym. What you need is simple to install and costs very little. Here is a series of essential tips to successfully build one.

Floor for outdoor gyms

The anti-fog floor for outdoor gyms is a necessary option in case you have an underlying flooring to protect. The SBR hump floor has been designed for all those who need a durable surface, that is suitable for any type of training, including those where heavy loads are repeatedly thrown to the ground.

Its composition allows the surface to absorb the rebound of the barbells and weight drops, reducing the noise caused by them. It also protects the floor from possible damage caused by heavy loads that must be thrown to the ground.

The rubber therefore absorbs the impact, reduces rebound and noise and is also very easy to install and clean. Its composition ensures great strength, long life, without degreasing.

You can use it to cover the floor of the entire area, to make your weightlifting platform, add height to your plyo box etc.

The floor for outdoor gyms can be purchased here.

Rig for outdoor gym

KingsBox Outdoor Gym Rigs are designed and manufactured by our team of experts from start to finish. This is how we guarantee safety, quality and sophisticated design all in one.

Having an outdoor gym RIG is one of the most interesting options to attract new customers and offer customers new training options.

All our outdoor rigs are made with weather resistant materials, are modular and have the possibility to add on many accessories, such as rings, angel arms, rope, wall ball target and much more.

KingsBox outdoor gym rigs can be purchased here

Outdoor gym rack

If you already have an outdoor rig solution and want to add a top quality rack station. We invite you to view our selection of outdoor gym racks. Made of high quality materials that do not fear the weather.

A gym rack will allow you, if you lack in space, to create a micro gym for your customers where you can do fun workouts, with the use of comfortable traction bars.

Easily installed, they are the perfect option for those with little space

KingsBox outdoor gym racks can be purchased here

Why choose KingsBox?

All outdoor structures made by KingsBox benefit from a unique dual weathering protection technology.

Rig with zinc coating

Zinc coating protection on KingsBox outdoor rigs allows them to withstand any weather conditions: rain, moisture, sun or snow.

Rack with cataphoresis coating

The process we use to protect our outdoor racks is cataphoresis coating, which prevents steel from rusting when exposed to moisture.

Both procedures guarantee a high protection of the structures, Made in Europe.

To complete our outdoor equipment proposal, we have protected the most popular rig and rack accessories with a cataphoresis layer, which allows you to offer a complete workout in outdoor gyms.


Creating an outdoor gym is simple and inexpensive and will allow you to keep your customers and have new ones. You don’t need a lot of space or a lot of money to build your outdoor gym.

What you need is to contact us for any doubt so that we can rely on our expert who will help you in choosing the best solution for the outdoor gym.

Summer is coming, don’t get caught unprepared.