Home Gym

One Person Gym Set | The home gym revolution starts now

Space. The big enemy of all sportsmen who want to buy a home gym. Too often the lack of adequate space does not allow you to buy the right tools to be able to train comfortably at home.

The same problem was caused to gyms and Crossfit Boxes. Where the strict regulations caused by events do not allow for the moment to have free access to all the equipment on site.

How to solve this problem then? How to train with everything you need having a limited space?

Simple, with our One Person Gym Set. A real revolutionary solution that will change the way of thinking about the equipment for gyms and boxes of Crossfit.

A single station for a single athlete with a low cost with everything you need to train as if you had all the equipment available at the box.

Would you like to know more? Let’s discover the :

One Person Gym Set

All the quality of the Mighty series

The idea of our engineers was simple but equally brilliant. A single column of strong vertical steel 250 cm high, fixed to the floor. Resistant but at the same time that can take up little space to add all the accessories possible to achieve a series of exercises virtually infinite.

The quality is what you all know and the backbone belongs to our flagship line, the Mighty. The 80×80 dimensions allow an unprecedented stability, with the security that distinguishes all our premium line.

A real home gym set in 3 square meters

A real multitool where you can add depending on the type of training that you want to make the right accessory. Wall Ball, Pull-Up, Muscle-Up, Rope Climb and much more.

And you can also add on request every accessory in our store compatible with the Mighty series.

How much space does our One Person Gym Set? Little really little.

What does this revolutionary solution offer? So much so.

A real training station that will allow you to perform any training circuit you want. At an unprecedented cost. The only limit is your imagination. With our One Person Gym Set you can really have fun occupying very little space.

What the package contains :

A 250 cm column of the Mighty series with 80mm profile in resistant powder coated steel, with a wide base for a firm anchoring.

And in addition:

  • Studio Upright
  • Mighty Start Up Bar
  • Wall Ball Target
  • Plyo Platform
  • Mortar Bumper Rack x2

Do you want to see it in action? Here is a video where you can better understand how one of the training products is born that will change the world of fitness. The concept of home gym sets changes radically and takes shape at a price never seen before.

Where to buy the One Person Gym Set ? Simple to this address on our website.