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How to return to your workout routine after the summer holidays

Back to training after the holidays with the advice of our professional coaches, let’s find out together how to return safely.

Back to gym!

A good holiday, away from the stress of work and the demands of everyday life, is the perfect way to recharge your mind and body.

But after a lot of sun, good food and relaxation, it can be difficult to leave behind all these good moments and resume training.

Hey, it happens there is nothing wrong with this be clear 🙂

But we want to give you some advice, remember that that two-week break can quickly turn into another two weeks, and then another two, until it becomes months.

The point is that the longer you stay away from your workout routine, the harder it will be to get back to training.

So instead of languishing after the holidays, use these valuable tips to start over great!

1) Don’t be so hard on yourself.

Some people do not give up training and go to the hotel gym or run on the beach during the holidays.

Others, well, they do the opposite. And that’s fine, too.

So enjoy your free time and don’t blame yourself for the pleasant days and the extra portions at dinner or some extra aperitifs.

Remember that life must be lived to the full 🙂

2) Plan your return to the gym.

The hardest part is always that, starting over.

After a long vacation, the last thing you might want to do is go to the gym. That’s why scheduling your return to the gym is important, it will allow you to make a serious commitment to yourself accurately and help you get back to training

3) Enlist a friend or training partner.

Recruit a friend, spouse, colleague, or anyone else interested. Knowing that you have another person who will train with you will stimulate you to carry on your goal of returning to training and will help you not to procrastinate.

Remember that your training partners are great for staying motivated, controlling your shape and keeping your workout program consistent.

4) Start slowly.

It is easy to fall into the trap of leaving bomb already from the first day to make up for lost time.

Take it easy with the first post-holiday workouts and remember these simple rules:

    1. Start lifting gradually. Keep your MR as a reference starting with a 50%
    2. Stretch before or after your first post-holiday workout.
    3. Limited training sessions for the first week.

Focus on rebuilding your strength while maintaining your first low intensity workouts.

Remember : It makes no sense to push so hard and then injure yourself.

5) Make a plan.

Unless you guys took a full sabbatical, going back to the gym shouldn’t be a drama. But you could still experience a physiological setback.

Instead of feeling frustrated, make a real plan to go back to your pre-holiday regime.

Whether it is a certain running distance on the treadmill or a specific pattern of series and repetitions on the bench, identify a goal and work towards it.

6) Resume good habits

Back to training, it’s great, but back to the regime means for example back to eat well.

To get the most out of your workouts, make sure you eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and sleep whatever you need.


It is never easy to resume training, or real life, after a fun holiday Returning to training, it is not always easy.

Whether you left for a week or two or you skipped the gym for the whole summer, it doesn’t have to be an impossible mission to get back there.

Relax and ask for the help of a trusted training partner. You will get back to your form in no time and if you have decided to build a home gym, well this is the perfect month to start. Don’t miss our discounts and our offers on training equipment.


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Come tornare alla routine di allenamento dopo le vacanze estive
Go back to training after the holidays with the advice of our professional coaches, let’s discover together how to return safely
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