Categories: Home Gym

How to create the perfect workout playlist | Professional Guide

Listening to music during, before and after training is crucial. Creating a playlist may seem easy but that’s not usually true. Want to know how to get the best playlist? Of course, let the KingsBox team help you!

Rock, metal, house, techno, lounge music, no matter the genre, you can’t carry out your workout routine without music.

Music and training

Yes, music is the perfect motivational stimulus for training! No, we didn’t invent this, here we talk about real science, numerous studies show that the right music can increase exponentially performance results during training.

If all of this is of interest to you, we invite you to read it until the end where you’ll find many ideas to perfect your playlist.

So, without further ado:

How can I use music while training?

Music has always been linked to our lives, songs have enormous power over our emotions and allow us to feel them better, it acts as a real conditioning tool and can help us train better.

Basically we could divide our workout routine like this :

1) Before the training

2) During the training

3) After the training

In these 3 phases we can find benefit from listening to music, which if chosen correctly, will allow us great benefits.

Before training

There are basically two schools of thought:  the first is that listening to particularly calm and relaxing songs will help you relieve tension, as well as reduce nervousness and restlessness before training.

The second is listening to motivational songs with high BPM will help you focus and give you the grit needed to face your strength training, be it powerlifting, weightlifting or cross training.

While training

While training, music contributes to release endorphins and makes you feel more excited about the upcoming workout.

We often associate our favorite songs with positive emotions that automatically turn into power and strength. For example, during a Cross Training wod, maybe an EMOM, your motivational playlist will allow you to achieve the goal of carrying out the performance and give all you’ve got.

Additional benefits of listening to music during training:

1) Increase in motivation

2) Resilience in completing the last reps

3) Lower stress levels

After training

If you have had a hard workout and want to relax, there is no better thing than using your favorite relaxing songs. These help you to lower your heart rate, which is increased during exercise, as well as your respiratory rate, thus bringing you back into a state of rest.

Many people do not give much importance to the post-workout relaxation phase. For example, using your relaxing music playlist for post-workout stretching will allow you to focus on your movements and recover faster for your next workout.

What is the right genre?

Now you might be wondering how to choose the right music genre for your workout.

Basically, music can be used in three ways during training:

1) Coordinated with the rhythm of your movements, for example while running
2) As background music
3) To evoke positive feelings or memories

The importance of BPMs

Decisive is also the tempo of a song, expressed in beats per minute or BPM.

The best frequency for music is generally between 130 and 140 BPM. Because during the training we automatically adapt our movements to the rhythm of the music, it is therefore very important that the music is played at an appropriate speed.

Slower music can slow you down unnecessarily, while if it is too fast it can put you at risk of overloading your workout.

Knowing how intensely you will train and knowing how many phases of work and rest your training includes is crucial, because it will allow you to create a playlist to listen to rely on.

How to create your workout playlist

You should pay attention to these things:

The timing of the music you listen to (BPM) should match your heart rate.

The BPM frequency should match the speed of your movements.

Examples of BPM based on training

1) Motivational pre workout music 120 to 140 BPM

2) Relaxing pre workout music 70 to 100 BPM

3) Fast music while training from 140 to 160 BPM

4) Relaxing music while training 70 to 100 BPM

5) Relaxing music after training 60 to 90 BPM

How to choose songs

Always remember that the songs you will use in your playlist should motivate you, so choose songs that give you good vibes.

Always remember that a good workout playlist contains songs that :

1) Increase your desire to train.
2) evoke in you images that motivate you.
3) Give you the necessary resilience

What services to use to create a playlist

Music in sport has always been an absolute resource! Chosen correctly, it can very quickly either lead you to achieve and exceed maximum performances or distract you from the workout. Adding music will make the training even more fun and will give you the needed boost to train.

Here are a number of useful services to create your playlist

Create playlists on YouTube

Creating a playlist of videos on YouTube is very simple. By selecting a video the site offers you the possibility to add it to an existing playlist or create a new one.

Create playlists on Vimeo

If you use Vimeo, you may have noticed that the site does not use the term playlist but uses the word “Showcase” to refer to playlists.

Go to Vimeo and play the video you want to organize in a playlist. Hover over the video and click on the first to last option which is “Add to Collections”.

You can find all your videos collected in Vimeo Showcase in the Profile > Collections menu.

Create playlists on Dailymotion

Dailymotion uses a similar approach to YouTube to allow users to create playlists on the platform. You just have to find the video you want to add to a playlist, click on the icon you will get your playlist.

Create playlists on Spotify

Spotify offers a much easier way to create playlists compared to other platform. Once you access the main site, or app, you will find the option to create a playlist right in the left panel of the screen.

If you want to add a song to a playlist, play the song on the web version of Spotify, click on the three dots next to the song name and choose “Add to Playlist”.

Create a new playlist or add the song to an existing one.

Create playlists on Apple Music

Apple Music doesn’t offer a web version yet, so you’ll need to use the iTunes app on your computer to create a playlist.

1) Launch the app on your computer and access the Apple Music section inside.
2) Find the music you want to add to a playlist.
3) Click the three dots next to the track name and select “Add to List”.
4) Create a new playlist or add the track to an existing one.

Create playlists on Google Play Music

The web version of Google Play Music is very easy and clean. With this minimalist setup, it is extremely easy to create a playlist of your favorite songs.

1) Start the web version of Google Play Music.
2) Click “Music Library” in the left sidebar.
3) Choose songs from the top menu.
4) Right-click one of the tracks and select add to playlist.

Create playlists on soundcloud

Soundcloud is one of the easiest platforms to create playlists and organize your music.

1) Go to soundcloud and log in to your account.
2) Choose the music you want to add to your playlist and access its individual page.
3) Once you are there, click on the button that says more and select “Add to List”.

Like many other platforms, it will ask you if you want to add the song to an existing list or if you want to create a new one. Select your preferred option and generate your playlist.


Music and sport have always been very tightly liked to one another. Thanks to this detailed article you have all the tools you need to create your perfect workout playlist. All you have to do is enjoy your training.

We can’t wait for you to read our next article. See you soon!