Home Gym

Home Gym | The complete guide from design to purchase

Building your dream home gym might cost you less than you think. Don’t despair. Today we propose a challenge. Make your own garage gym spending as little as possible. Don’t you believe it ? All right, follow our lead and let’s build your dream gym together.

Are you ready? Let’s start !

Home gym, garage gym. Call it what you want. We like to call it a dream come true. But it is very important to be honest with yourself and clear before starting this adventure. Building a gym at home or in the garage is not exactly a simple thing. You have to know the right materials, tools and tips to buy at the right price everything you need.

Depending on a number of factors, including the quality of the products, the choice between new and used price for our home gym dreams can vary significantly. Here then is our guide to the realization of your gym in low badget home.

How to design your home gym

Very simple, today technology comes to our aid. Simple programs like Google Sketchup that are free and easy to use can help you design your home gym quickly and easily. Don’t you believe it? Watch this video.

Cool right ? What do you need ? Nothing but the link to the world’s simplest gym design program. Here you go.

Nothing could be simpler, a home gym is first of all born in our head and then needs a solid project where we can insert everything we need.

Ok our home gym is ready, at least on paper 🙂 We have inserted all the equipment we needed and we are ready. But here comes the most delicate phase, the search for our gym equipment. What are the right steps to take to avoid making mistakes ?

Purchase home gym equipment

Knowing where to look, being diligent in research and, sometimes, being patient during the process, are some keys to building a quality gym, at home without spending unnecessarily a fortune.

In this definitive guide to building a home gym, we will take a thorough look at how to build a fantastic home gym with a limited budget.

Buying the right gym equipment and not wasting unnecessary resources is not easy. But today, thanks to our experience we want to help you choose the best equipment at the best price.

Used equipment

The matter is very simple. If you follow us you know that Kingsbox is supplier of the best races there CrossFit® Italian and international, ergo, we have a lot of equipment used in the race, this means a huge saving of up to 40% on the value of the new. Don’t you believe it ? Here is the link to our offers of crosstraining material used in the race. See what ? Attention however our material used in the race once returned in our warehouses is carefully inspected. You will receive a used product sure, but able to be used for a long time yet.

New equipment

The new equipment for your home gym is always a safe choice. Safe because every new Kingsbox product is sold with the guarantee that protects your product from structural malfunctions and factory errors. Here is the page where you can find all the information regarding the guarantees of the products sold by Kingsbox.

Offers for home gym in progress

Kingsbox thanks to the availability of manufacturers and the large amount of products sold can always offer discounts and promotions on many products. Here is for example a fantastic discount on a home gym kit at a great price, here is the link to the home gym kit for Crosstraining.

Example of home gym cost

Well there we are. Our home gym takes shape, but what do we want to put in our dream home gym ? Let’s make a simple example cost us the products and see if we could stay in our budget.

Let’s make it simple. Let’s take for example a home gym of 30 square meters. In this case from Crosstraining. What we need to get started and to make our garage gym really complete.

Indispensable equipment

If you are lucky and you have bought a home gym package from Crosstraining like the one above you have been lucky and you are already at an excellent point.

What does the package include? Really everything, here is the full list !!

  1. Barbell bar of your choice ( Kings Bar, Queens Bar, Dark Knight or White Knight)
  2. 5kg Bumper Plates (Pair)
  3. 10kg Bumper Plates (Pair)
  4. 15kg Bumper Plates (Pair)
  5. 20kg Bumper Plates (Pair)
  6. 1.5kg Micro Charges (Pair)
  7. 2.5kg Micro Charges (Pair)
  8. Kettlebell 32kg
  9. Kettlebell 24kg (Pair)
  10. Kettlebell 16kg (Pair)
  11. Rings (Pair)
  12. Climbing rope
  13. Elastic Band 45mm
  14. Elastic Band 21mm
  15. Slam Ball 10kg
  16. Spring Collars (Pair)
  17. Triple Under Jump Rope
  18. Rower Concept2 Model D (PM5)
  19. Kingsbox Cannon Med Ball of your choice (6kg or 9kg)

Rig for Crosstraining

If you do not have the space to mount a self-supporting rig as one of our series. The use of a Royal Squat Rack SX-15 II as ours will help you to combine sturdiness, practicality and convenience always with the safety of a product branded Kingsbox with a price, really good !!

Flat bench

Here is another small tool that you will need to complete your cheap and complete home gym. Beautiful durable and economical. With the guarantee of a product tested and produced in Europe. Our flat bench together with our Royal Squat Rack SX-15 II form a winning pair to help you in all kinds of exercises like bench press and much more.

Floor for home gym

Protecting our beloved equipment is a duty, so is protecting our neighbors from noise and vibration. Choosing a recycled SBR rubber home gym floor is the best choice. Economical, durable, respectful of nature and at a great price !! Here is an example of our flooring for gyms, home gym, fitness centers.


We promised, we were able to include most of the useful things for a proper Crosstraining session in our home gym. Of course being fussy lacks a GHD, and many other small finenesses like maybe two dumbbells or a Wallball, but let’s be clear with all this equipment you can train great and if you just can not do without just visit our website and the offers section that you find here. Where you can indulge yourself without spending a madness.