Building Better Humans

KingsBox gym: Speck Crossfit

Speck Crossfit is a special project to us because it was the first complete box that we opened in Spain in September 2020. We were very impressed with their story, energy, and desire to create an environment where each individual develops into the best version of themselves.

Check out a part of their story.

Why did you move to Spain?

Jose and I are originally from Venezuela, where the situation is socially and economically very unstable. We also have a son, and we want our family to grow even more. Even tough Venezuela is a beautufil country, for the better future, we decided we had to move.

So this is the reason, that we moved to Spain two years ago, with the dream of opening a box here in Valencia. We already had an experience, since we had one in Caracas too.

Why did you decide to open a gym?

We love to train with our friends, and we think that this sport improved our lives so much. We also love the feeling of being able to help and improve other people’s lives. That’s why we decided to open a box in 2020 and help others reaching their full potential too.












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