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Return to training in the gym in safety after the pandemic

Returning to gym training safely after the pandemic is finally possible.

To the delight of many, the gyms, pools and Crossfit Boxes are finally reopening all over Europe, thanks to the advent of the Green Pass and vaccines that have played a crucial role in this difficult time.

The gym is one of the most beautiful places to train, meet all the training friends, face new challenges, share the successes, are all beautiful things that you will find in the gym when you return.

However, before taking back your beloved haltèress, you may need to take some precautions to avoid some involuntary injury.

During the pandemic, many of us were forced to be more sedentary than usual. When we train less, our physical condition decreases, which can increase the risk of injury.

In this professional guide we want to find out with you how to return to training.

How do you get back to the gym safely?

Human beings are basically bioplastic. That means we respond to what we do with our bodies. Usually, our body responds positively to the exercise: we improve our state of shape and consequently become stronger, thus also improving our mental and physical health.

When we stop being active, our physical condition decreases. This is known as “deconditioning”.

What is deconditioning?

Deconditioning can happen quickly. Some studies show a significant decrease in muscle mass , physical function, strength, aerobic capacity and metabolic function in just 10 days of inactivity.

When we are inactive, our body adapts to lack of exercise. Resume activity too quickly can expose us to the risk of injury.


What are the risks?

While deconditioning can be rapid, body reconditioning is slower. When we return to the gym we may feel that our muscles are more tense and breathing is for example more difficult.

We may experience stiffening of the joints and a much quicker reaching of the pain threshold. All inconveniences that should improve after some workouts, within a few weeks.

Engaging in high-intensity movements or increasing loads too quickly could be a risk. People might assume that they can return to the pre-pandemia exercise without considering the reduced capacity of their body.

Some research has shown that novice athletes and those with a lower activity before starting exercise in the gym are more likely to suffer injuries on their return to the gym.

The most common conditions reported are back and knee pain.

Watch the CASE STUDY of CF Redwall100

Reduce the intensity

To avoid unpleasant events such as stress injuries, all coaches always advise to return to the training routine with a certain level of intensity doomed to descescence, after a forced period of stop. Take all the time you need to get back to your maximum, allowing your body to recover maximum efficiency gradually, without causing unnecessary stress.

Not to rush is the secret to get back in shape as soon as possible without incurring any inconvenience related to the overtraining injury.

Do not skip the warm-up

Be sure to use a specific warm-up for the exercise you are going to perform. For example, if you are pushing a full load, warm up with a much smaller weight or with free-body movements.

Always remember to set realistic goals to allow your body to adapt and focus on restoring pre pandemic values.

Watch the CASE STUDY by CF Claw Hammer

Training with real goals

Our physical responses to exercise are influenced by a number of factors. Little sleep, stress, nutrition, alcohol intake, our history of exercise and many other factors can affect the response of our body and the risk of injury and must be a warning when you decide to train.

For example, you might lower your performance expectations if you come from a period of stress. Fatigue can lead to poor concentration and is linked to an increased risk of injury.

Sleeping well is also important for recovery from fatigue caused by exercise.


Doing a sort of “check-in” with yourself, before and during training, allows you to recognize in advance, how much you can go faster or slow down understanding as well as train safely. Professional athletes and coaches use this principle of “self-regulation” by monitoring how they feel and behave during the day.

They can then modify the operating loads, intensity and type of exercise to avoid exaggeration.

Doms and accidents

Post workout pains have many causes and are not always the result of an injury. Moreover, complete rest is not always the best way to manage them. This is especially true for common problems such as back pain.

Often we think that we should lie on the couch if we have back pain. But often it is safe and advantageous continuing some activities within their own limits as the body heals.

If you feel pain during or after exercise, and this condition gets worse and worse within a few days, it is advisable to have it checked by a health professional such as a physiotherapist.

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The benefits of the exercise far outweigh the potential risks. Your enthusiasm must only be tempered by a realistic view of your present condition, not by the memory of your pre-pandemic abilities.

If you are not sure how to deal with the return to exercise, talk to your coach beforehand. So that we can evaluate risks together and receive specific advice on the best way to return to the gym safely and improve your fitness.

Together we are stronger

As always Kingsbox is at the side of all gym owners, if at this time of rebirth and optimism you intend to restructure your gym, your personal trainer studio or your cross training box, please contact us at to receive not only the best possible price but also a real all-inclusive advice that will help you realize your dream, starting from the design until the final implementation.

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