
Together we’ll make it

Together we will make it! We are living a historical moment that will change the world forever and the way we see is we live things. A new perspective that is outlining a new economic and social order. Millions of people in the world are experiencing this period an extraordinary situation of difficulty that is testing their sense of civilization.

In this historical moment mankind is called to unite in a single battle against an invisible enemy, which is massively attacking our world. Covid-19 is pandemic, its viral level is very high and its low mortality rate is allowing it to expand very quickly.

Unfortunately, an effective cure has not yet been found and despite the efforts of doctors around the world, the discovery of a vaccine and the long trial times put us at a disadvantage on the battlefield.

But this is not the time to give up and let yourself be overwhelmed by discouragement.

Don’t lose the goal

Our only form of contrast is the elimination of contagion cases through preventive isolation. We know, great sacrifices have been demanded of us, the renunciation even if momentary to our personal and social freedom causes in each of us a sense of frustration and impotence. But we want to reassure you that you are not alone and our sacrifice will not be useless but rather very precious.

In these critical days commit to comply with the ordinances issued by the government decree law, will allow us to effectively combat the spread of the virus so as to be able to isolate and finally eradicate this infection.

The rules to respect are few and clear :

  • Leaving the house only if for strictly necessary reasons
  • Wash hands frequently
  • Use a protective mask
  • Keeping the right safety distances

We can only win this battle together, with the help of everything, we can return to normal in our lives. We know that Crossfit boxes in most parts of Europe are closed, as are gyms, fitness centres and personal trainers. A great challenge awaits the operators of this sector. Entrepreneurs who are currently without income and with lots of expenses to support.

Together we can do it!

Stay close to your coach, box owner, gym owner and support them with whatever mode is vital at this time. The sense of community must prevail and bring out of the tunnel all human civilization.

We have been wondering these days if we at Kingsbox should suspend our activity to prevent even in our team the possibility of contagion, but the demand of hundreds of old and new customers to buy equipment for their home gym gave us an additional incentive to decide we go ahead and continue to work and not stop our business.

Home gym

At this delicate moment, having sports equipment at home can alleviate the feeling of isolation that we are all experiencing, allowing us to resist this challenge even more vigorously. We are committed to meeting all the requests received in the shortest time possible to give everyone the opportunity to train at home and stay in shape safe. Our thoughts go to all of you, with the hope that our work that we do with passion will help you in this great challenge.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you are doing, for the determination you are putting in, for the example you are giving to the whole world. Together we will succeed, we will return stronger, more aware, more human.

Thank you from all of us.