
The Charm of the Open: A Journey Through History and Motivation

The fitness world has seen in recent years an explosive growth of a high intensity training program that has won the hearts and minds of enthusiasts around the world. One of the most anticipated and engaging events in this universe is represented by the “Open”, a global competition that tests athletes in an exceptional way. We explore this fascinating world through its history, its evolution and why the Open has become such a relevant phenomenon.

The History of the Open: A Path of Global Growth

The Open has its roots in the philosophy itself, founded by Greg Glassman in the 1990s. The first official competition called “Games” dates back to 2007, when a group of athletes competed in a series of intense workouts to determine who was the fittest. Over the years, the event gained popularity and in 2011 the “Open” format was introduceda qualifying phase open to anyone wishing to participate.

The Evolution of the Open: From Global Qualifications to Celebration of Inclusiveness

In the following years, the Open underwent a significant evolution. What was initially a qualifying process to select Games participants turned into a global event open to all levels of fitness. This opening made the Open a catalyst for inclusiveness, encouraging athletes of different abilities and experience levels to participate and challenge each other.
Open Structure: 3 Weeks of Challenges and Personal Growth

The Open takes place over 3 weeks, during which a secret workout (“workout”) is announced every week. Athletes have a specific time period to complete the workout and record their score online. This structure not only creates exciting suspense, but also a platform where athletes can measure their progress and challenge their personal limits.

The Motivation behind the Open: Community, Competition and Personal Growth

The Open goes beyond pure competition. They are an opportunity to build communities, connect with other fitness enthusiasts around the world and draw inspiration from the efforts of others. Healthy competition and a positive attitude promote a culture in which personal success is just as important as the overall ranking.

First Week Announcements Guide

The long-awaited moment for fitness enthusiasts has arrived: the 2024 Open is officially underway. Every Thursday, the Open Games YouTube channel becomes the stage for weekly workout announcements, with some of the world’s most competitive athletes competing first in 24.1.
The participating athletes not only compete for glory, but also the chance to conquer the Golden Barbell of Rogue Fitness, a coveted recognition in the world of Open.

First Week – Announcement 24.1: An Explosive Beginning

The first announcement, 24.1, was presented live by momentous on February 29, 2024. The show started at 11 am, with the official announcement of the workout at 12 pm. Athletes such as Brent Fikowski, Alex Gazan, Alexis Raptis and Jeff Adler faced the challenge of this inaugural workout.

Second Week – Announcement 24.2 with Special Guest

The second announcement, 24.2, was made by GOWOD on March 7, 2024. A special guest, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, announced the Open Workout 24.2. Immediately afterwards, two leading Open athletes competed in this challenging workout.

Third Week – Yet to Be Revealed

For the third week, the details are yet to be revealed (T.B.A.). Fans can stay tuned for more surprises and exciting announcements.

How to Follow Events from Home

If you want to follow Open events from the comfort of your own home, you can visit the Official Games Website or tune in to the Games Channel on YouTube.

Stay connected to find out who will stand out as the fittest in this year’s challenge. Whether you’re an athlete or an avid spectator, the 2024 Open promises to offer entertainment and inspiration.


In conclusion, the Open represents an extraordinary celebration of diversity, personal commitment and passion for fitness. This global event continues to inspire athletes of all ages and levels, unifying the community in a collective challenge that goes beyond geographical boundaries. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, the Open offers an amazing experience that goes beyond the gym, creating a lasting bond between fans around the world.


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The Charm of the Open: A Journey Through History and Motivation
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